Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dream big!

A week ago, Brett informed me that the Ann Arbor marathon would be on my 26th birthday.  To me, that was a sign that I HAD to do it. It is a few months earlier than I anticipated but it's on my birthday!!!! Who wouldn't want to run 26 miles for their 26th birthday??

To me, this is a HUGE dream. It almost seems too big to achieve with a knee injury, possible tendinitis, and asthma..... But still just within my reach.

I feel that in my life, I have always been rather average. It's tough to look around me daily and seeing everyone's above average accomplishments. My own husband is a genius and it's hard to keep up!  There is nothing I'm exceptionally great at, but I have a lot of passions. My newest, is running. So far, I have participated in four 5k runs, a half marathon, and will be running a 10k tomorrow morning. I'm not great at running, by any means... But to me, it's a sense of accomplishment I feel in myself. To me, it is necessary. I do it because it not only makes me feel better physically (for fitness and health purposes), but it's a personal accomplishment that seems to fill the void of always being "average." by no means is average a negative thing.... I just feel the need to prove to myself, that I can do big things in life. It is for no one else but myself. I am Just thankful that Brett supports my crazy dreams :)

So today, I'm encouraging you to dream big! Prove to yourself that you can do something you never thought you could.

Don't be afraid to fall. Go out there and make yourself proud!!

If anyone wants to come to Ann Arbor the weekend of March 30th, I'd LOVE to have my own little support group there!