Recently, I've seen many people afraid to share the realities of their lives via social media. I get it, we get tired of the complaining and wish everyone would realize just how blessed they are. I totally agree with this statement but when we aren't real with ourselves or others, it creates quite the false reality we think exists. I am one to focus on the positive, most of the time. I honestly strive to be positive and to focus on the great things in life because let's face it, there are PLENTY.
I also think it's crucial to be honest with one another. Life isn't perfect. We aren't perfect. It's so hard to grasp this when everyone paints their lives with a rose colored lens. I think the key is balance. It's GREAT to count your blessings, but it's also healthy to relieve stress and not hold everything on the inside.
This world is SO critical these days and it's hard to be real. It's hard to express what we want without worrying about offending 75% of the population. (I made that stat up) It's also hard to express yourself when we fear that people will judge and criticize.
It's SO normal to have flaws, many flaws. While it's not great to focus on this always, it's a good thing to recognize them, work on them, and move on. Society is so rough with us as if we don't have feelings. Then on the other hand, everything seems to be sugar-coated. AH! It's enough to make a person crazy, if they weren't already.
I find this happens most when speaking of motherhood. As much as we look at our children and see their adorable faces, we know they aren't perfect. We wouldn't want them to be! How boring would life be? Those imperfections sometimes turn out to be what we love most about these precious beings.
We absolutely should all be thankful for our children regardless of how hard it can be on the bad days. However, we shouldn't be afraid to be truthful with ourselves and others when it comes to the hardships of being a parent. It's HARD. Like.... really hard. It's OK to not love every single second. It's OK to not love the stage you're in. It's OK to vent every now and again to release those feelings. To feel validated. To hear that you are not alone and others share those same struggles. To KNOW that people care about you and have hugs offered. It's OK to not be perfect, we don't expect you to be. But, it's also nice to hear the great things in life and be uplifted by the positive. It's really hard to find the balance. We all get into ruts in life where it's really hard to find the sunshine in the midst of the's hard to remember that these phases pass and everything will be fine. It's amazingly hard when you feel that no one understands and that you are alone. You are not. There are others who are sharing feelings so similar to yours. The problem might be that they fear sharing them because of the possible judgement and unsolicited advise. I'm bad at it, myself.
Just know, that there is a balance and we wont always get it right. I, myself, am hoping to try and be more understanding of others and what they have to say. Some find that venting on social media is their only form of release. I think it's better to let it out than hold it in, so I am going to try and be more supportive of posts like these.
After all, it is OK to vent on social media sometimes.
Have a lovely day, everyone!