Monday, June 3, 2013

chores, CHOOOOORES!!!

I am finally getting ready to put a "chore list" together so feel free to comment on this blog and add in things you NEED done around the house. I know the list is never ending but I thought maybe if I planned it all out and made a routine, it wouldn't be so daunting?

My plan was to do things like this:

Monday: Laundry Day (wash)
sweep/mop kitchen floor
vacuum upstairs

Clean the bathrooms (sinks, tub, floors, mirrors)
Put laundry away
clean bedroom

sweep/mop kitchen
mow the yard
vacuum upstairs

weed the garden/around the house
clean the office

Clean Vera's room
sweep/mop kitchen
vacuum downstairs
sanitize toys


Sunday: grocery shop
put groceries away

That's what I have for now. Everyone's tasks will be different as well as how often you prefer to do things. We only have 3 in our household so laundry only needs done once a week but I know a lot of people do it a lot more often. That's just one example..... Also, I have seen on pinterest how they did an organization by week/month that I thought might be cool to try. Maybe set up a specific thing to organize each week or month? For example, our closets/garage/pantry/and junk drawer all need organized at least once a month.. so maybe I can spread those out a little?

Anyways... this is just a start......

let me know your thoughts/further ideas!

(I forgot to say I make the beds daily as well as make sure the livingroom/diningroom/and kitchen are picked up.... so I didn't include them in my list but I do them daily so that it doesn't stack up later.

Thanks for reading!

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