Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Balance is Key

All these posts and conversations lately about government and parenting seem to have something in common, in my mind. I believe the key to this, is balance.

When I think about parenting as a whole... I think of a scale. We want to embed wonderful characteristics, ideas, lessons, etc. into our children. But we can only get so far with that. From there, it depends on what they choose to do with the information. Sme parents can be overbearing... Often those children aren't sure what to do once they are on their own since everything was done for them. Some parents can be too laid back, in a sense. Maybe they don't offer enough direction so the child is left to figure everything out on their own. These are two extremes. My goal, is to be somewhere in the middle. We all have hopes and dreams as people, as students, as parents, as partners... Many of these goals are obtainable with the proper balance. If you march into a specific goal with a bunch of energy and devote your entire time to it, you may become burnt out. If you go into it with a positive mind but balance the other things in life as well, it tends to work out better.

I look at it this way..... I trained for a half marathon that I ran last month. At first, I had very high hopes. I took it day by day... Running mile by mile. However, I was terribly awful at running in the beginning. I couldn't make it a single mile without frequent stops to catch my breath. As time passed and it came down to a few weeks before the big day... I began to panic. I didn't feel confident. I wasn't exactly on track with my training. I pushed myself harder toward the end and made it through the entire 13.1 miles. Definitely one of my prouder moments in life.

The point is, I didn't start off running the entire 13.1 miles the moment I signed up for it. I fit the time into my daily schedule and slowly built up to it. I believe the same would be for government, but I don't want to get into a political debate. I just think that with some balance, things could improve.

This same theory applies to pretty much everything in our lives. Parenting, exercise, diets, school, friendships, relationships, marriages..... It's all about balance.

There is no way to live a perfect life.... But with balance, I hope it can be a happier one. I challenge you to join me and work on the balance in life :)

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