Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Branch Out

I have recently come to the conclusion that I am home FAR too much. I am with Vera every second of every day... and even though I love spending so much time with her, I realized it is becoming unhealthy. Plus, she doesn't get much time with her dad. I have been brainstorming ideas of what I could do to help this situation and only came up with a few. One of which, was spend more time at the library. I love the library, but I need something to focus my energy and attention toward.  So, I signed up to volunteer at the local Humane Society. I absolutely LOVE animals and anyone who knows me, knows that.  SO, I thought this was the perfect placement for myself. I attended an orientation/training class last night and am even MORE excited to volunteer now! I learned more about my options, opportunities, what the shelter is about, how it works, and so on.  I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.  This will be a great time for me to get out of the house and do something for a cause, while Vera gets a little separation from me (distance makes the heart grow fonder) and she gets some time to do fun things with her dad. It's a win-win!

So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers if you would, as I start this new journey in life!  

Also,  if you have some spare change lying around, feel free to donate it to this wonderful no-kill shelter!

My dog was adopted from a shelter =]

hshv.org is the website and click on "donate".

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