This is my first post in awhile, and I feel like I have a lot to say.
I just wanted to talk about bullying for a moment. It's happening. It's here. It's in our schools. It's your child. It's my child. We are ALL affected by it. The amount of children who commit suicide over bullying is just so staggering. Whatever happened to, we were all created the same? Love one another? Stop the hate?
When I was younger, I was definitely a victim of bullying. I was made fun of because of my clothes, because of my hair, because I had brown eyes, because I was short, and because I moved a lot. I didn't have many friends and was quiet and withdrawn. I didn't have the energy to make friends with anyone because I was hurt from all the hate. Being a kid is hard enough as it is. You wake up in the morning, have a certain routine to follow.... have to get ready for school. You go to school, you have to sit quietly for long hours on end and pay attention the entire time. Now, recess is being taken away along with fun classes like art and gym.... how in the world can kids be kids if they have no time to do that?
On top of that, kids are being bullied for anything and anything. The shoes they wear. Their name. How short or tall they are. What they look like. Who their parents are. It's insane! Why are they being bullied? Shouldn't we EMBRACE differences? Isn't that what we teach to our children? That everyone is different, everyone is special, everyone has their own thoughts and feelings and that's ok. That's what we teach our children, to embrace the differences, to embrace the change, that we LOVE being diverse and can learn from one another. Well, that's what we TELL them, but is that what we teach them? I don't think so. What we are showing children is that everyone has to be the same. You are worth less if you make less money. You are frowned upon if you ask for help from anyone. Don't we teach them to ASK for help instead of whining? Well then why are we criticizing those on government assistance because they are asking for help? What are you TEACHING your children when you are standing in line at Wal Mart behind someone using their WIC card or whatever. Just assuming that their purse was far too expensive for them to afford. Never thinking for once that it may have been a gift... or they MAY have gotten a really great price at a yard sale. I have seen some amazing things at yard sales myself. Instead of pushing your biased opinions aside, you are scoffing at them.... SHOWING your children that they are worth less as a human being for accepting help. Sure, there will always be people who take advantage of anything. Honestly, we all break laws! Do you EVER speed? That's a law you are breaking. How is one worse or better than the other? Why doesn't everyone in this great country deserve food and a warm and safe place to live? Why are children now forced to live in fear because they never know when someone is going to bring a gun to school.
The adults in this country sure aren't setting a very good example. I remember the simple thing about making friends in school... DO what they do, wear what they wear, look like how they look, act like they act, and believe what they believe. Don't be yourself. Be like them. That's how you can be popular. That's how you can fit in. Not by the amazing person you are on the inside. You have to CHANGE yourself to be accepted. "I hate you because you don't have the cool clothes that I do, I hate you because you're Catholic and I am Christian. "I hate you because you're fat, you must be lazy. I hate you because you're skinny, you must be anorexic. I hate you because you don't have tan skin. I hate you because you don't have blonde hair and blue eyes. You can't sit by me at lunch because you are not like me." How is that any different than what we are doing in this country? I understand religious beliefs and the Bible and how if you believe in it, you should follow it as closely as you can. But what if you don't believe in it? Should you be treated like you are not a human with basic human rights just because you believe differently, make a different amount of money, love someone, do things differently, see things differently? What happened to what we teach or kids and how we teach them to LOVE everyone... to accept everyone..... to CHERISH and embrace the differences because life just wouldn't be the same if we were all clones of one another. Why can't we learn from each other instead of hating the differences? Why must we force everyone to believe, dress, act, and breathe the same way?
You may SAY things to our children to teach them one way... but what we are SHOWING our children and youth in this country, is completely different.
For the record, I am not saying that I am perfect. I am NOT saying that I have never judged anyone, never assumed, etc. I am in NO way perfect. Not even close. I am a human.
I will tell you this, the law isn't going to change the way people feel. Just like NO law will stop me from loving my husband or my child. That love doesn't stop just because it isn't accepted by everyone else. If this is a Godly issue, God hates NO ONE. God loves everyone. End of story.
Think about it.
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