Monday, May 13, 2013


When you're stuck in that "funk"... it's SO hard to climb your way out. Sometimes, all it takes is a weekend with family and/or friends. This is something I have discovered recently. Not only can being with family brighten your mood, but it can help you to feel renewed. Sometimes all it takes is just doing something new, unusual, out of the norm, or unfamiliar to you.  Change can often be scary, but usually, it's for the best!  I have found myself taking small (healthy) risks lately and it has really helped develop a better attitude in me.

This weekend, I spent some time with loving and supportive family who let me do something I love, take pictures. I know that I am no pro at it, but since I was little, it seemed to be a stress reliever. I'm not sure what it is about it.... perhaps it reminds me of painting and creating art. I loved art and I love oil painting every now and again. To me, it's relaxing. I'm thankful for all of those people who challenge me, push me, support me, to do what I love.  I love that people give me a chance even though the results seem less than flattering at times.  It's the simple things like allowing me to talk about something I love, to share about it, to ask about it, and to care. I can't thank these people enough for putting up with my crazy ideas and obsessions all the time!

Anyways, I have done a few crafts and things since my last post that I would love to share.... so that's up next!  Just wanted to post about how refreshing it can be to surround yourself with people who love you rather than those who bring you down.

Ahhhhhhhhhh (breath of fresh air)

Here are some photos from this weekend:

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