Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Well, here are a few things I plan on posting about in the near future....

1. Brett found a free chair that would work well for photos.... so I plan on re-upholstering it.....  already bought the fabric! I have never done anything like that before so this should be interesting.

2.  Got a new camera so I will be practicing with it and sharing some shots I take.

3.  I will be participating in the Color Run this weekend with a great friend and we have quite the idea in place. VERY excited!

4. I have a new diet plan that I'd love to try. And when I say "diet" I just mean, "eating healthy"..... which we do already, but I'd love to start sharing some recipes, ideas, and have a place to write it all down, if anyone is interested.

5. A Cleaning list! Doesn't that sound fun??? I plan on making a list of typical chores that are done around the house... and I want to make a sort of "schedule" where I can break the tasks up into several days to make it easier.

6. Volunteer. I have some really neat volunteer opportunities coming up that I would LOVE to share!

7.  DIY projects. (terrarium, mother's day crafts, gardening,etc.)

I think that's it for now! This is just a way for me to organize my thoughts. SO GET ready!

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