One thing I have been thinking about, is how to keep myself happy. Sometimes I think things make me happy, but really, it's something else. I know that I am often crabby so lately, I have been REALLY focusing on what makes me happy. Some things that make me happy is "window" online shopping... a.k.a just LOOKING at neat things online... pinterest is great for that. Another thing is, photography. I never thought I would do it professionally and yet, I keep being pulled that way. I just love taking photos for my friends and family. I always have. It's a form of art to me and I love trying to invent different ways to do it. My family and friends make me happy so I have been trying harder to see and talk to them a little more.
I also find myself dreaming of the future... what Vera will look and act like, where we will live, what jobs we will have... and lately, we have been discussing buying an rv and literally living in it for a bit. A clutter free, rent-free life for a bit. We're big dreamers though, so we'll see where this idea takes us.
Traveling is another thing I have always loved, but am particularly fond of lately. I hope that we will always be able to travel because I LOVE being in a new environment, reflecting on the way others live, seeing natural beauty, etc.
I have reflected a lot about Brett lately. How much he loves us, how hard he words, and just how intelligent he is. I am amazed by him every single day, without a doubt. If I am upset, he is NEVER there to bring me down more. He is willing to do anything to fix it.... I can't imagine just how cranky I would be without him. He has certainly taught me a lot about emotions, feelings, the way things get you down and how you can't dwell on them, etc. So blessed to have him.
Friends. This is a big one that I have been thinking about lately. I have realized, it's not about who you talk to every day... it's about who is THERE for you, emotionally. Friendships are a relationship all on it's own. Sometimes I put more effort into them, and sometimes the other one does. In the end, it's all about who is there for you... who makes you smile... who makes your time worth it. who genuinely cares about you. I am starting to focus less on whom I speak to every day, and who is actually there... who actually cares, etc. It's refreshing! I am focusing more on me, and less on others. At least for now.
And last but not least, I reflected on the many things I am grateful for and fortunate to have and experience. I heard that the more you focus on the positives, the less attention you spend on the negatives. This seems like common sense but it can be quite the challenge. It's so hard, in the middle of a rotten day, to sit down and specifically think of the many things you are thankful for. But aren't the most important things in life worth it? I think so.
A little self reflection can really help the soul.
When is the last time you gave yourself time to just sit down and think about the important things in your life? What matters to you the most? What sort of things are you putting so much effort into, that wont really matter in the end? How can you invest your time to make your life worth it? SO much to ponder, ay? That's what vacations are for =)

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