I may have posted about this before, but it's an important topic for sure. I have been feeling a lot of stress and pressure lately, myself. It's so hard to focus on the positive when you are stressed so much that you want to cry (or until you DO cry).
Just like with medicine (or pain reliever, to be more exact)... it's better to catch it early. Personally, I have a hard time catching myself before the point of falling. I let so many things happen until I can't take anymore. I promise myself that I will take frequent breaks so I wont get burnt out.... that almost never happens. Life certainly has a way of pushing you to your limits. I haven't found the magic wand to help this situation yet but I have been reading a lot about things to do and techniques lately and thought I would include them for those of you who are struggling like I am.
So here are a few things to try:
1. Take a break! If you're at work, go to the bathroom.... wash our hands, dab some water on your face. Breathe. If you're at home... lock yourself in your room for a bit. Breathe..... anywhere else? Close your eyes, breathe.
2. One thing that helps me? Dreaming. I LOVE to dream. I love to think of the possibilities in the future... I love to dream of projects we could do around the house, even if it will never happen. Sometimes just looking at a magazine or online browsing helps!
3. Take a shower. It's so funny how such a simple thing could bring so much joy.
4. Go to bed early. Give that brain of yours a break!
5. Indulge. SOmetimes, when I'm super stressed, eating a tiny piece of dark chocolate can lift my mood.
6. Spend time with friends and family. I live 4 hours away from all friends and family so I KNOW how tough it is sometimes to put life aside and have some fun, but it's NECESSARY. I did this recently and will never regret it.
7. Challenge yourself. Whether it's something like walking a mile after work, drinking 8 full glasses of water today, or just keeping yourself from crying.... when you're feeling really stressed, give yourself an obtainable goal for that day. Small and personal victories can really help the mind.
8. Resort to youtube. Sometimes, I just youtube some music that I love.... others, I will specifically look for funny videos. It works!
9. Talk to a friend. this is BY FAR my favorite "stress-easer." Normally, I find that just a simple vent about life helps me feel just a little less tense.
And finally:
10. Make someone ELSE feel better. It could be as simple as spotting someone in the store and pointing out their fabulous shoes! I usually find myself happier, if I'm making others happier.
And this, my friends, is MY very own list to help those in need. Feel free to comment below and add any that help YOU!
Don't be afraid to dream!

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