A week ago, Brett informed me that the Ann Arbor marathon would be on my 26th birthday. To me, that was a sign that I HAD to do it. It is a few months earlier than I anticipated but it's on my birthday!!!! Who wouldn't want to run 26 miles for their 26th birthday??
To me, this is a HUGE dream. It almost seems too big to achieve with a knee injury, possible tendinitis, and asthma..... But still just within my reach.
I feel that in my life, I have always been rather average. It's tough to look around me daily and seeing everyone's above average accomplishments. My own husband is a genius and it's hard to keep up! There is nothing I'm exceptionally great at, but I have a lot of passions. My newest, is running. So far, I have participated in four 5k runs, a half marathon, and will be running a 10k tomorrow morning. I'm not great at running, by any means... But to me, it's a sense of accomplishment I feel in myself. To me, it is necessary. I do it because it not only makes me feel better physically (for fitness and health purposes), but it's a personal accomplishment that seems to fill the void of always being "average." by no means is average a negative thing.... I just feel the need to prove to myself, that I can do big things in life. It is for no one else but myself. I am Just thankful that Brett supports my crazy dreams :)
So today, I'm encouraging you to dream big! Prove to yourself that you can do something you never thought you could.
Don't be afraid to fall. Go out there and make yourself proud!!
If anyone wants to come to Ann Arbor the weekend of March 30th, I'd LOVE to have my own little support group there!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Balance is Key
All these posts and conversations lately about government and parenting seem to have something in common, in my mind. I believe the key to this, is balance.
When I think about parenting as a whole... I think of a scale. We want to embed wonderful characteristics, ideas, lessons, etc. into our children. But we can only get so far with that. From there, it depends on what they choose to do with the information. Sme parents can be overbearing... Often those children aren't sure what to do once they are on their own since everything was done for them. Some parents can be too laid back, in a sense. Maybe they don't offer enough direction so the child is left to figure everything out on their own. These are two extremes. My goal, is to be somewhere in the middle. We all have hopes and dreams as people, as students, as parents, as partners... Many of these goals are obtainable with the proper balance. If you march into a specific goal with a bunch of energy and devote your entire time to it, you may become burnt out. If you go into it with a positive mind but balance the other things in life as well, it tends to work out better.
I look at it this way..... I trained for a half marathon that I ran last month. At first, I had very high hopes. I took it day by day... Running mile by mile. However, I was terribly awful at running in the beginning. I couldn't make it a single mile without frequent stops to catch my breath. As time passed and it came down to a few weeks before the big day... I began to panic. I didn't feel confident. I wasn't exactly on track with my training. I pushed myself harder toward the end and made it through the entire 13.1 miles. Definitely one of my prouder moments in life.
The point is, I didn't start off running the entire 13.1 miles the moment I signed up for it. I fit the time into my daily schedule and slowly built up to it. I believe the same would be for government, but I don't want to get into a political debate. I just think that with some balance, things could improve.
This same theory applies to pretty much everything in our lives. Parenting, exercise, diets, school, friendships, relationships, marriages..... It's all about balance.
There is no way to live a perfect life.... But with balance, I hope it can be a happier one. I challenge you to join me and work on the balance in life :)
When I think about parenting as a whole... I think of a scale. We want to embed wonderful characteristics, ideas, lessons, etc. into our children. But we can only get so far with that. From there, it depends on what they choose to do with the information. Sme parents can be overbearing... Often those children aren't sure what to do once they are on their own since everything was done for them. Some parents can be too laid back, in a sense. Maybe they don't offer enough direction so the child is left to figure everything out on their own. These are two extremes. My goal, is to be somewhere in the middle. We all have hopes and dreams as people, as students, as parents, as partners... Many of these goals are obtainable with the proper balance. If you march into a specific goal with a bunch of energy and devote your entire time to it, you may become burnt out. If you go into it with a positive mind but balance the other things in life as well, it tends to work out better.
I look at it this way..... I trained for a half marathon that I ran last month. At first, I had very high hopes. I took it day by day... Running mile by mile. However, I was terribly awful at running in the beginning. I couldn't make it a single mile without frequent stops to catch my breath. As time passed and it came down to a few weeks before the big day... I began to panic. I didn't feel confident. I wasn't exactly on track with my training. I pushed myself harder toward the end and made it through the entire 13.1 miles. Definitely one of my prouder moments in life.
The point is, I didn't start off running the entire 13.1 miles the moment I signed up for it. I fit the time into my daily schedule and slowly built up to it. I believe the same would be for government, but I don't want to get into a political debate. I just think that with some balance, things could improve.
This same theory applies to pretty much everything in our lives. Parenting, exercise, diets, school, friendships, relationships, marriages..... It's all about balance.
There is no way to live a perfect life.... But with balance, I hope it can be a happier one. I challenge you to join me and work on the balance in life :)
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Help Dreams Come True!
I would like you all to check out this website, and try to help in any way that you can. A very close friend of mine and her husband have one dream.... to be parents. For some people, this is a fairly simple task. For others, it is near impossible. Please help my dear friend with this journey. She truly deserves this and will make a fabulous mother. She has one of the biggest hearts I know!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Eye Opening Weekend
Although it's hard to believe the weekend is gone already, it was definitely filled with life lessons. Funny how the little, simple things in life can really make you think and re evaluate.
This weekend, a friend of mine and I participated in a half marathon. This is something I have always dreamed of doing but never imagined it would actually happen. I have always been fast at running a very SHORT distance.... but long distance was never my thing. With a knee injury I obtained when I was around 13, and my asthma.... this seemed like an incredibly crazy idea. However, I signed up for it with no doubts, and started to train. The beginning of my training was rather disappointing. I could barely run to the end of the road without stopping a few times and being incredibly winded. There were many days I trained that I thought, "wow, there is no way I can do this." I was often very hard on myself and discouraged. The timing of my miles were certainly not anything to brag about..... along with the constant knee pain. A few weeks from the race, I discovered a running pace that seemed to help out a lot. That day, I ran 9 miles and for the first time, felt confident in the coming race.
The night before the race, I got about 5 hours of broken sleep.... then we woke up at 5 am to head to the train. Brett was incredibly supportive through this entire process and I'm not sure what I would have done without him. He thought the idea was rather crazy at first but never gave up on me. He even helped me train, often. He went with us to Chicago to support me in the race and even went on a food run for the two of us which was MUCH appreciated. He took Vera to the Shedd Aquarium and still found time to appear around the track a few times and was there at the finish line. I can't express how thankful I am for this man.
Which brings me to my next point...... since I had a lot of time to think in the 2 1/2 hours of running..... I really have an amazing husband. He has always been amazingly patient, understanding, and forgiving. I look up to him more than anyone else on this Earth. He is the kind of person I want to be. He is the kind of person I want my daughter to be JUST like. He keeps me going. He is my soul mate. I'm amazed at how many obstacles we've been through and how many bumps appear in the road from time to time. When I sit and think, I just know it would never, ever work with anyone else. And for those people who understand and accept that, I am thankful. I wish there were more people like that.
Our marriage has not always been easy, but it has ALWAYS been worth it. We really make the best team.... but most of that is thanks to Brett.
This weekend was just a wonderful reminder that 1. dreams can come true if you work for them. This applies to both the half marathon and my husband.... and 2. You really need to re evaluate your life and think about the people in it. Are there people who are bringing you down? People who don't respect you or who you are? People that want to change things about you that don't need to be changed? Maybe they aren't worth the space you have in your heart. Maybe they aren't worth the fighting, the pain, and the trouble.Life is SO short.... spend it with the people who make you happy. Use your time wisely.... reach those goals you've always wanted to reach. Don't be afraid of failing.... we learn from our mistakes. Life is worth living =)
This weekend, a friend of mine and I participated in a half marathon. This is something I have always dreamed of doing but never imagined it would actually happen. I have always been fast at running a very SHORT distance.... but long distance was never my thing. With a knee injury I obtained when I was around 13, and my asthma.... this seemed like an incredibly crazy idea. However, I signed up for it with no doubts, and started to train. The beginning of my training was rather disappointing. I could barely run to the end of the road without stopping a few times and being incredibly winded. There were many days I trained that I thought, "wow, there is no way I can do this." I was often very hard on myself and discouraged. The timing of my miles were certainly not anything to brag about..... along with the constant knee pain. A few weeks from the race, I discovered a running pace that seemed to help out a lot. That day, I ran 9 miles and for the first time, felt confident in the coming race.
The night before the race, I got about 5 hours of broken sleep.... then we woke up at 5 am to head to the train. Brett was incredibly supportive through this entire process and I'm not sure what I would have done without him. He thought the idea was rather crazy at first but never gave up on me. He even helped me train, often. He went with us to Chicago to support me in the race and even went on a food run for the two of us which was MUCH appreciated. He took Vera to the Shedd Aquarium and still found time to appear around the track a few times and was there at the finish line. I can't express how thankful I am for this man.
Which brings me to my next point...... since I had a lot of time to think in the 2 1/2 hours of running..... I really have an amazing husband. He has always been amazingly patient, understanding, and forgiving. I look up to him more than anyone else on this Earth. He is the kind of person I want to be. He is the kind of person I want my daughter to be JUST like. He keeps me going. He is my soul mate. I'm amazed at how many obstacles we've been through and how many bumps appear in the road from time to time. When I sit and think, I just know it would never, ever work with anyone else. And for those people who understand and accept that, I am thankful. I wish there were more people like that.
Our marriage has not always been easy, but it has ALWAYS been worth it. We really make the best team.... but most of that is thanks to Brett.
This weekend was just a wonderful reminder that 1. dreams can come true if you work for them. This applies to both the half marathon and my husband.... and 2. You really need to re evaluate your life and think about the people in it. Are there people who are bringing you down? People who don't respect you or who you are? People that want to change things about you that don't need to be changed? Maybe they aren't worth the space you have in your heart. Maybe they aren't worth the fighting, the pain, and the trouble.Life is SO short.... spend it with the people who make you happy. Use your time wisely.... reach those goals you've always wanted to reach. Don't be afraid of failing.... we learn from our mistakes. Life is worth living =)
Monday, September 9, 2013
This morning, I feel inspired to write.... but not on here, on actual paper. I was just trying to remember the last time I actually wrote to Brett. I know that I e mailed him a few times last week, but it's been awhile since I've written a letter.
When is the last time YOU wrote a letter to your significant other?
Why not do it today? Just to say thanks, or what you love about them.... or something really awesome they've done lately? If not your significant other, what about a close friend? A parent? A co worker?
Just an idea for this grey Monday morning =)
Have a great day!
When is the last time YOU wrote a letter to your significant other?
Why not do it today? Just to say thanks, or what you love about them.... or something really awesome they've done lately? If not your significant other, what about a close friend? A parent? A co worker?
Just an idea for this grey Monday morning =)
Have a great day!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Can't be perfect
Something has been on my mind lately, so I thought I would share.....
I just wanted to apologize to those of you who have ever felt bad about themselves because of me. Either about themselves, their choices, etc. I do realize that I have a very strong personality and am very opinionated. I realize that I don't always think things completely through before I say them. I realize that I think I'm right most of the time. I realize that there are "hot topics" that set me off or run me right into a verbal marathon. I know that I can sometimes be rude, unclear, sarcastic, and just all around unfriendly.
For all of that, I am very sorry.
The truth is, I am always researching. I am always reading. I am always looking to better my life and others. However, I don't stop to think that maybe others don't need my help? Maybe some people just need an ear to listen. I am a great listener, but I'm also a "fixer." I feel it's my duty to fix things often, and sometimes, they don't need fixed.
I know that my specific degree gives me a sense of entitlement, which not everyone may agree upon. The truth is, I just want to be someone people can be proud of. I want to be someone the younger generation can look up to. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be.... but I want to be known as a good person. I don't want to be put in the judgmental category.... I want to keep a free and open mind about things. I want to be healthy. I want to make the right choices. However, the right choices for me, may not be the right choices for everyone else. I apologize if I have ever made you feel that YOUR choice is not the "right" choice just because I did not choose it. I am my own person. I want to be able to accept differences. After all, I wouldn't want everyone else to be like me. I annoy myself sometimes!
So do what you do.... be who you are..... lift each other up rather than putting each other down. This life is hard enough as it is without others bringing you down.
There are so many more things I want to do in life... so many things I want to be. My goals are different than yours. That's totally fine. Do what makes YOU happy and do what's right for you and your family. Just remember, I'll be here if you need me ;-)
Have a happy Friday, everyone!
I just wanted to apologize to those of you who have ever felt bad about themselves because of me. Either about themselves, their choices, etc. I do realize that I have a very strong personality and am very opinionated. I realize that I don't always think things completely through before I say them. I realize that I think I'm right most of the time. I realize that there are "hot topics" that set me off or run me right into a verbal marathon. I know that I can sometimes be rude, unclear, sarcastic, and just all around unfriendly.
For all of that, I am very sorry.
The truth is, I am always researching. I am always reading. I am always looking to better my life and others. However, I don't stop to think that maybe others don't need my help? Maybe some people just need an ear to listen. I am a great listener, but I'm also a "fixer." I feel it's my duty to fix things often, and sometimes, they don't need fixed.
I know that my specific degree gives me a sense of entitlement, which not everyone may agree upon. The truth is, I just want to be someone people can be proud of. I want to be someone the younger generation can look up to. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be.... but I want to be known as a good person. I don't want to be put in the judgmental category.... I want to keep a free and open mind about things. I want to be healthy. I want to make the right choices. However, the right choices for me, may not be the right choices for everyone else. I apologize if I have ever made you feel that YOUR choice is not the "right" choice just because I did not choose it. I am my own person. I want to be able to accept differences. After all, I wouldn't want everyone else to be like me. I annoy myself sometimes!
So do what you do.... be who you are..... lift each other up rather than putting each other down. This life is hard enough as it is without others bringing you down.
There are so many more things I want to do in life... so many things I want to be. My goals are different than yours. That's totally fine. Do what makes YOU happy and do what's right for you and your family. Just remember, I'll be here if you need me ;-)
Have a happy Friday, everyone!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Mom's Gone WILD!
But what happens..... if that time is completely limited and just not long enough??? This, my friends, is our daily struggle.
To calm our nerves a bit, I started thinking about how COOL it would be to escape to a place where we could be WILD and CRAZY moms! And this is what I came up with......
We go to this place.... this quiet place. This place smells of fresh laundry. Not poop.
There are NO toys on the floor anywhere. You may walk in peace and far from fear of stepping on sharp objects.
All 3 meals are prepared for the day...... and you get to eat each one while it's still a comfortable temperature!
You get to shower! WHAAAAT? yes, I said it. No more vulgar aromas coming from your direction. Wash that stink away... and take longer than 5 minutes to do it. Maybe even SHAVE if you're feeling REAL wild.
Not only shower, but you get to go to the bathroom without an audience, at such place!
Now that you have eaten and showered, you can sit down and read that book/magazine/blog/etc. without it being knocked out of your hand.

S to the t to the r. e. s.s
I may have posted about this before, but it's an important topic for sure. I have been feeling a lot of stress and pressure lately, myself. It's so hard to focus on the positive when you are stressed so much that you want to cry (or until you DO cry).
Just like with medicine (or pain reliever, to be more exact)... it's better to catch it early. Personally, I have a hard time catching myself before the point of falling. I let so many things happen until I can't take anymore. I promise myself that I will take frequent breaks so I wont get burnt out.... that almost never happens. Life certainly has a way of pushing you to your limits. I haven't found the magic wand to help this situation yet but I have been reading a lot about things to do and techniques lately and thought I would include them for those of you who are struggling like I am.
So here are a few things to try:
1. Take a break! If you're at work, go to the bathroom.... wash our hands, dab some water on your face. Breathe. If you're at home... lock yourself in your room for a bit. Breathe..... anywhere else? Close your eyes, breathe.
2. One thing that helps me? Dreaming. I LOVE to dream. I love to think of the possibilities in the future... I love to dream of projects we could do around the house, even if it will never happen. Sometimes just looking at a magazine or online browsing helps!
3. Take a shower. It's so funny how such a simple thing could bring so much joy.
4. Go to bed early. Give that brain of yours a break!
5. Indulge. SOmetimes, when I'm super stressed, eating a tiny piece of dark chocolate can lift my mood.
6. Spend time with friends and family. I live 4 hours away from all friends and family so I KNOW how tough it is sometimes to put life aside and have some fun, but it's NECESSARY. I did this recently and will never regret it.
7. Challenge yourself. Whether it's something like walking a mile after work, drinking 8 full glasses of water today, or just keeping yourself from crying.... when you're feeling really stressed, give yourself an obtainable goal for that day. Small and personal victories can really help the mind.
8. Resort to youtube. Sometimes, I just youtube some music that I love.... others, I will specifically look for funny videos. It works!
9. Talk to a friend. this is BY FAR my favorite "stress-easer." Normally, I find that just a simple vent about life helps me feel just a little less tense.
And finally:
10. Make someone ELSE feel better. It could be as simple as spotting someone in the store and pointing out their fabulous shoes! I usually find myself happier, if I'm making others happier.
And this, my friends, is MY very own list to help those in need. Feel free to comment below and add any that help YOU!
Don't be afraid to dream!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Dear "Semi"-Sweet Girl
Today, I have been quite emotional. I can't believe how much time has passed and what a little "lady" you've become in the past 2 1/2 years.
We had a really rough start. Our bond wasn't that great. We had a lot of complications in the "basic" baby necessities and didn't really connect until you were about one. I am not ashamed to say that although it WAS love at first sight, our bond didn't begin until much later. Breastfeeding, colic, and acid reflux were awful. The weekly weight checks with the doctor were draining. The constant feeling of failure was unbearable. I hated coming home each week and crying because you weren't gaining weight and the feeling that it was my fault. We cried together most days during your infancy. Sleep was something important to me, but not so important to you. Your cry and scream was so heart-shattering. Nothing I did seemed to help you. Every time I looked at you, I just felt as if I had failed and had no idea what I was doing, despite my many years of experience with infants.
My world definitely changed and was ROCKED on my 23rd birthday. Everything changed. My attitude changed, my perspective changed, my outlook on life... nothing in my mind remained untouched. Things were SO much harder than I ever imagined.
Today, I just look back and think, "how the heck did I ever make it through those lonely, stressful days by myself??" The truth is, I have no idea. Those days were SO tough. It makes me terrified of ever giving you a sibling.
With all that said, our bond has grown SO much in the last year and a half. You are my little mini-me. SO sassy, but so determined, so very smart, and so loving (most days). I love waking up in the morning knowing that you'll be in your room and we get to start a new day together. Although frustrating sometimes, I love that you give your dad a hard time at bedtime because you "want to see your mommy" while I'm out running. I am so proud of you and so lucky to have you in my life. I love watching you grow and seeing the things you are passionate about already. Although you drive me to want to pull out my hair most days, your smile and infectious laugh are both something to cherish. Your memory is just like your dad's but your attitude is just like mine. Although I fear for your teenage years, I know that you'll be just fine. Why? Because you're just like me already. You WILL drive people crazy... people will talk about you. Some wont like you... but that's ok. You will always have a special place in most people's hearts. You are going to be something big some day. You already are, to us. I can't imagine what great things you will accomplish in your life, but I can only hope that you will be proud of me and look up to us some day. You are EVERYTHING to us. We can't imagine a single day without you. I hope that you see our love for you when you're older.
I took a photo of you today (just as I always do)... that really captured my heart. You were holding your baby doll and "cooking" in your kitchen at the same time. I'm sure many people have pictures like this of their children in their collection... but I can't help but to think of it as such a special moment. I can only dream of the amazing nurturer you will be in the future. Whether or not you decide to be a mother some day, I know that your huge heart will shine on everyone you meet. I love watching you with your baby dolls. You are so gentle and caring with them. I can only hope that maybe it's a sign that I wasn't a terrible mother when you were a baby ;-) I know most nurturing attitudes come naturally, but I can't be certain that I didn't have anything to do with that.
Thank you for being my beautifully amazing daughter.

Monday, August 19, 2013
For Granted...
Time flies so quickly that it's hard to remember to sit back and just take it all in. Everything is so rushed and busy... sometimes, we even take things for granted. Not just things though, people as well. Your family, your friends, your children.. even your animals at times.
Sometimes I just sit and think about all the blessings in life and how I'm so fortunate to just be able to pick up the phone and talk to most of the people I think about all day. Such a relief to know everyone and everything is alright just by a simple call/text/email/or post.
Most days I wake up and remember how lucky I am, but other days, I wake up in fear. I fear that I will lose the things most important to me. You never know when it's going to happen... or where... or why...
Knowing how fast time flies... why treat it as if there's always a tomorrow? Why not tell people TODAY how much they mean to you? Why live your life with regrets? I don't want to take people for granted.... I want people to KNOW I'm here, to KNOW I care, and to KNOW that I think about them, always.
So what are you waiting for? Have you taken a moment today to appreciate all the beautiful things life has to offer? Despite the hardships, downward spirals, etc.

Today is a beautiful gift. Embrace it!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Road to Self Discovery
One thing I have been thinking about, is how to keep myself happy. Sometimes I think things make me happy, but really, it's something else. I know that I am often crabby so lately, I have been REALLY focusing on what makes me happy. Some things that make me happy is "window" online shopping... a.k.a just LOOKING at neat things online... pinterest is great for that. Another thing is, photography. I never thought I would do it professionally and yet, I keep being pulled that way. I just love taking photos for my friends and family. I always have. It's a form of art to me and I love trying to invent different ways to do it. My family and friends make me happy so I have been trying harder to see and talk to them a little more.
I also find myself dreaming of the future... what Vera will look and act like, where we will live, what jobs we will have... and lately, we have been discussing buying an rv and literally living in it for a bit. A clutter free, rent-free life for a bit. We're big dreamers though, so we'll see where this idea takes us.
Traveling is another thing I have always loved, but am particularly fond of lately. I hope that we will always be able to travel because I LOVE being in a new environment, reflecting on the way others live, seeing natural beauty, etc.
I have reflected a lot about Brett lately. How much he loves us, how hard he words, and just how intelligent he is. I am amazed by him every single day, without a doubt. If I am upset, he is NEVER there to bring me down more. He is willing to do anything to fix it.... I can't imagine just how cranky I would be without him. He has certainly taught me a lot about emotions, feelings, the way things get you down and how you can't dwell on them, etc. So blessed to have him.
Friends. This is a big one that I have been thinking about lately. I have realized, it's not about who you talk to every day... it's about who is THERE for you, emotionally. Friendships are a relationship all on it's own. Sometimes I put more effort into them, and sometimes the other one does. In the end, it's all about who is there for you... who makes you smile... who makes your time worth it. who genuinely cares about you. I am starting to focus less on whom I speak to every day, and who is actually there... who actually cares, etc. It's refreshing! I am focusing more on me, and less on others. At least for now.
And last but not least, I reflected on the many things I am grateful for and fortunate to have and experience. I heard that the more you focus on the positives, the less attention you spend on the negatives. This seems like common sense but it can be quite the challenge. It's so hard, in the middle of a rotten day, to sit down and specifically think of the many things you are thankful for. But aren't the most important things in life worth it? I think so.
A little self reflection can really help the soul.
When is the last time you gave yourself time to just sit down and think about the important things in your life? What matters to you the most? What sort of things are you putting so much effort into, that wont really matter in the end? How can you invest your time to make your life worth it? SO much to ponder, ay? That's what vacations are for =)

Monday, July 22, 2013
Being Grown Up
Thought for the day- as much as responsibility stinks sometimes....isn't being a grown up great? Think about it... We get to choose our own lifestyle, choose our own home, choose our own job, control our own money, choose what we eat, and conduct our own happiness. Man, freedom is great!
Obviously there are other factors and things don't always go as planned.... But for the majority, we control our own destiny. Every choice we make in life changes us a little more and the thought of that is mind blowing to me. Even down to what we ate for breakfast this morning!
I often talk about childhood/high school/or even college when the responsibilities weren't nearly as plentiful as they are now. However, the reality is it's awesome being able to decide for yourself. It's up to you to make changes, to be inspirational, to help others, to make your own decisions, and to keep moving forward. Only YOU can control your mind/thoughts/and whom you choose to be your friends and partners in life.
What a great thought! At least, it is to me.
Obviously there are other factors and things don't always go as planned.... But for the majority, we control our own destiny. Every choice we make in life changes us a little more and the thought of that is mind blowing to me. Even down to what we ate for breakfast this morning!
I often talk about childhood/high school/or even college when the responsibilities weren't nearly as plentiful as they are now. However, the reality is it's awesome being able to decide for yourself. It's up to you to make changes, to be inspirational, to help others, to make your own decisions, and to keep moving forward. Only YOU can control your mind/thoughts/and whom you choose to be your friends and partners in life.
What a great thought! At least, it is to me.
Be present
Wow! I guess it's been awhile since my last entry..... And since then, something has really been on my mind. I have been reading a lot about being "present" in life. If you're like me, technology consumes your day. I am always texting/looking things up on the Internet. Some of it is productive, but most isn't. In fact, often when I have a goal in mind and whip out the iPad, I completely forget what I was doing in the first place. Which means, nothing is completed.
I have been monitoring my ownself lately and looking deeper into my actions and how I spend my day. Most of it goes something like this: wake up, clean, get dressed, get Vera dressed, clean, get things ready for daycare, clean...... Daycare, surf the net to find activities/dinner for the day.... Check my e mail 800 times, Facebook, get out activities, then snack, lunch, naptime.... Some more Internet, reading, etc. snack time again, start cleaning up.... Think about dinner.... Start preparing dinner.... Clean some more. Work out. Get Vera dressed and ready for bed. Put her to bed.... Work out if I didn't already.... Shower. Clean some more. Watch a movie. Bed time.
This is generally how my days go. It's busy for sure... But I realize that sometimes, I'm not being "present" n my own life. I realize that while Brett and I are watching a movie.... One of us is using a technological device whether it be our cell phone, iPad, or kindle. Often, we look up things together (plan vacation, research a new purchase, and things like that). Sometimes, however, we are just sitting there and not really spending time together. This same thing also occurs while I'm cleaning or looking up new things to do in the day. Even though I spend 24/7 with Vera, how much time am I really spending with her if I am mkti tasking? In this day, we are very busy. We have a LOT to accomplish in our short days. My new goal, is to be more present in life. To drop the technology as often as possible and to clean only during certain times. I know this plan won't work perfectly...but I'm hoping it at least helps a little.
Do you ever find yourself doing this? Are you willing to give up a little technology to be "present" n your life?
Of course, sometimes things can't wait. Sometimes cleaning has to be done now. Sometimes you can't get on the floor and play with your kids every second they are awake. In fact, hat would be a little unhealthy. It's great for them to learn a little independence. But let's just try, even just a slight improvement will be worth it. After all... We won't regret that dirty laundry a year from now, or the e mail in or inbox being read a little later than usual. But we might regret not being present in our own lives.
I have been monitoring my ownself lately and looking deeper into my actions and how I spend my day. Most of it goes something like this: wake up, clean, get dressed, get Vera dressed, clean, get things ready for daycare, clean...... Daycare, surf the net to find activities/dinner for the day.... Check my e mail 800 times, Facebook, get out activities, then snack, lunch, naptime.... Some more Internet, reading, etc. snack time again, start cleaning up.... Think about dinner.... Start preparing dinner.... Clean some more. Work out. Get Vera dressed and ready for bed. Put her to bed.... Work out if I didn't already.... Shower. Clean some more. Watch a movie. Bed time.
This is generally how my days go. It's busy for sure... But I realize that sometimes, I'm not being "present" n my own life. I realize that while Brett and I are watching a movie.... One of us is using a technological device whether it be our cell phone, iPad, or kindle. Often, we look up things together (plan vacation, research a new purchase, and things like that). Sometimes, however, we are just sitting there and not really spending time together. This same thing also occurs while I'm cleaning or looking up new things to do in the day. Even though I spend 24/7 with Vera, how much time am I really spending with her if I am mkti tasking? In this day, we are very busy. We have a LOT to accomplish in our short days. My new goal, is to be more present in life. To drop the technology as often as possible and to clean only during certain times. I know this plan won't work perfectly...but I'm hoping it at least helps a little.
Do you ever find yourself doing this? Are you willing to give up a little technology to be "present" n your life?
Of course, sometimes things can't wait. Sometimes cleaning has to be done now. Sometimes you can't get on the floor and play with your kids every second they are awake. In fact, hat would be a little unhealthy. It's great for them to learn a little independence. But let's just try, even just a slight improvement will be worth it. After all... We won't regret that dirty laundry a year from now, or the e mail in or inbox being read a little later than usual. But we might regret not being present in our own lives.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Vic's Pics
Hello Everyone,
Here is the exciting announcement I have.... I am starting a "business" called Vic's Pics.
I will be selling things such as: photos I have taken (you can frame them), nature posters for classrooms/children's rooms/decoration, postcards, photo magnets, photo blankets (personalized), alphabet books (original OR personalized), I can create invites, greeting and holiday cards, etc. If you would like, I can also take photos for your items. For example, if you want a mini photo shoot for a holiday, to create a holiday gift item, I can help you out.
I am just beginning this so it will take some time to get completely organized.
If you would like, you can check out my facebook page and I will eventually get a website up and going.
it is:
If the link doesn't work, search "Vic's Pics" on facebook.
Thank you for reading!!! Let me know if you have any questions. I will include some of the pictures I have for sale.
(I will be doing this part time. This is not my full time job. Just something I enjoy doing and would LOVE to help you out!
Below, is an example of the pre-made alphabet book I have already made. If you would like one of these, let me know. I can also personalize them with photos of your child for an extra fee. (I photographed all of these myself)
This is an example of a photo blanket I have created:Below are pictures I have taken which can be made into posters/postcards/printed photos/mugs, etc.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
After feeling a little down and overwhelmed lately, I decided to focus on some exciting events happening in the near future! I used to do countdowns a LOT in college because it helped me to focus on the positive and to stay on task.
So here it is:
4 days until our weekend camping trip
16 days until my FAVORITE holiday
25 days until fville and picking up our cousin Izabella to spend the week with us!
39 days until Collin's First Birthday Party and off on our vacation adventure to Colorado!
That's all for now.
Feel free to share some things you are looking forward to as well.
After feeling a little down and overwhelmed lately, I decided to focus on some exciting events happening in the near future! I used to do countdowns a LOT in college because it helped me to focus on the positive and to stay on task.
So here it is:
4 days until our weekend camping trip
16 days until my FAVORITE holiday
25 days until fville and picking up our cousin Izabella to spend the week with us!
39 days until Collin's First Birthday Party and off on our vacation adventure to Colorado!
That's all for now.
Feel free to share some things you are looking forward to as well.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sample Menus!
So, here are a few months worth of dinner menus..... I put them together not too long ago. What I did was, look up ALL our favorite recipes.... wrote them ALL on index cards, planned the meals onto the calendar I made, then made a grocery list for each of the months. Now, this is no fool proof plan. I'm sure there are plenty of changes to be made and not everyone will like all the meals I have included. Also, I think finding all the recipes again would be crazily time consuming so feel free, if you choose to use them, to google a recipe or be creative and come up with your own.
Also, with the grocery lists, the amount you purchase will depend on how many you have in your family. When we grocery shop, I try really hard to get most things we will need for the month. Things that will stay good that long.
Now.... we don't eat meat any longer and can't have pasta and pizza, things like that. So I choose to substitute meat and gluten items for other things.... feel free to substitute anything you don't like. Remember, this is just a sample. Feel free to change anything around to better suit your family. I just thought that this might be a good start for all of us.
Also, I only made around 3 months.... meaning I can rotate them. Use 1-3... then start back at 1. Just an idea.
Let me know your thoughts!
Also, with the grocery lists, the amount you purchase will depend on how many you have in your family. When we grocery shop, I try really hard to get most things we will need for the month. Things that will stay good that long.
Now.... we don't eat meat any longer and can't have pasta and pizza, things like that. So I choose to substitute meat and gluten items for other things.... feel free to substitute anything you don't like. Remember, this is just a sample. Feel free to change anything around to better suit your family. I just thought that this might be a good start for all of us.
Also, I only made around 3 months.... meaning I can rotate them. Use 1-3... then start back at 1. Just an idea.
Let me know your thoughts!
Green beans
Sweet potato
Egg/tuna salad
Tortilla shells/bread
Kidney beans/egg/cheese
Veggie kabobs
Mexican rice
Rice Pilaf
Refried beans
Taco Salad
(beans, cheese, salsa,
Bean/chicken Burritos
Tortilla chips
Fruit salad
Mu shu
(cabbage, itl. Dressing,
chicken, bbq sauce)
Stir fry
Greek Lettuce Wraps
Veggie kabobs
Stuffed Peppers
Mashed Squash, Chicken,
Cheesy Spaghetti Squash
Stir fry
Zucchini Pizza
Veggie Enchilada Casserole
Grocery List:
Green Beans
Sweet Potatoes
Shredded Cheese
Fresh Veggies
Spaghetti Squash
Kidney Beans
Refried Beans
Italian Dressing
BBQ Sauce
Shredded mozz. cheese
Fresh Veggies
Corn Chips
Shredded Cheese
Frozen Veggies
Green peppers
Pasta (GF) and Regular
Lettuce & Fresh Veggies
Black Beans
Tortilla chips
Fresh Fruit
Lime juice
Plain yogurt
Crunchy Veggie Wrap
Stir fry
Vegetarian Sheperd’s Pie
Crunchy Baked Fish Bites
Rice Pilaf
Refried beans
Chicken and Veggie
Treasures w/ pasta
Green Bean and Hamburger
Turkeyloaf Burgers
Stir Fry
Meditteranean Veggie Bake
Greek Lemon Rice and
Chicken Soup
Rice and Beans
Potato and Corn Chowder
Mediterranean Pasta soup
Stir Fry
Turkey Chili
Turkey Lasagna
Chicken and Summer Veggie
Easy Chicken Casserole
Chicken Calzones
Grocery List
Cream cheese
Shredded mozz. Cheese
Refried Beans
Frozen Veggies
GF(gluten free) flour
Pasta Sauce
GF lasagna noodles?
Green pepper
Parm. Cheese
Cottage cheese
Yellow squash
Fresh spinach
GF bread crumbs?
Chick. Broth
Garbanzo beans
Diced tomatoes
2 10 oz. cans condensed
tomato soup
green beans
ground turkey
black beans
15 oz. can tomato sauce
pizza dough
kidney beans
Lemon juice
2 15 oz. cans cream of
chicken soup
frozen veggies
corn flakes
Rice and Chicken/spinach
Stir Fry
Taco Casserole
BBQ Chicken Pizza
Creamless Creamy Potato
& broccoli soup
Baked Chicken Drumsticks
Gluten Free Meatloaf
Mu Shu
Stir Fry
Chicken and Spinach Soup
Tortilla Pizza
Greek Lettuce Wraps
Mashed Squash, salad,
Grilled Chicken
Cheesy Spaghetti Squash
Zucchini Pizza
Veggie Enchilada Casserole
Stir Fry
Crunchy Veggie Wrap
Stir fry veggies
Frozen peas
Bell pepper
Chicken gravy
Poultry seasoning
Ground beef/meat
Worcestershire sauce
Fresh spinach
Soy sauce
Acorn squash
Chicken broth
Frozen broc.
Canned spinach
Flax seed
Black olives
Bbq sauce
Parm. Cheese
Pizza dough
Mozz. cheese
Shredded mozz
Tomato paste
Fresh spinach
Lime juice
Plain yogurt
Med. Spaghetti squash
Parm cheese
Cream cheese
enchilada sauce
sour cream
frozen corn
black beans
bell pepper
mex. Cheese blend
kidney beans
baking mix
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