Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Beginning

As I begin my adventure with this blog, I would just like to reach out and ask for requests on topics.  I do not only want this blog to benefit me, but others as well.   I am very passionate about a few topics and if you continue to read this, you will soon find out what they are. Basically, I just have a lot to say and find this an easier way to get it all out and possibly share ideas with others in one spot. I anticipate you'll hear a lot about my family, about child development, being environmentally friendly, health, and many other topics. I do not believe for a second that everyone will agree with what I have to say, but I hope that we can all remain respectful, including myself.  But do feel free to express your feelings on here. I love to hear differing opinions and ideas because I feel this is how we learn.  there are so many different people in this world and I choose not to shut those who are different, out of my life. Instead, I will listen, and possibly learn from them. I encourage you to attempt the same mindset from time to time.

Also, I will be entering posts from my iPad and do not guarantee 100% perfect grammar but I will attempt to be as literate as possible. Those of you who know me, know how I love being grammatically correct. I am definitely not perfect, though.
Lastly, as a small business owner myself, I would like to use this to promote friends and their businesses as well.  If you would like me to mention you, feel free to message me with a reason as to why I should. For example, if you are a photographer, e mail me a favorite picture of yours that was taken by you and I will try to post it.  

Something to keep in mind while reading: I am in no way a perfect person and will never claim to be. I make mistakes just as every other human being. I have fears, anxiety, stress, and weaknesses just like everyone else.  My goal here is not to write my opinions as if they are the one and only correct way, but to inspire others as things inspire me. I want to challenge others to think outside the box...or consider things in a different light.

Thank you for reading and feel free to speak your mind!

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