Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hello, all!

I am starting this blog on things that positively inspire me and things I would like to share with others.  I'm not really sure how many people will really read it, but if ANYONE does, then that's the point.  Some days I have way too many ideas for my own head and have to write them somewhere.

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to give me feedback whenever you would like.



  1. I posted a comment earlier, such as yesterday maybe, but it disappeared. This is the blog medium that my students and I use for their midterm and final in the online AmLit class I teach. Even those who are computer challenged find it easy to navigate. Pictures are fairly easy to post too. Have fun with the blog, Vicki. I hope you don't mind that I will check in occasionally!

  2. I wouldn't mind at all! I actually prefer it. I love writing, especially in your class in high school. I would definitely appreciate any feedback as well!
