Friday, January 25, 2013

"icky" days

Do you ever have the days where you just feel gross? You don't even want to get out of bed in the morning.  It takes every ounce of strength for you to convince yourself that you CAN get through the day.  I have a day like that every now and again and it takes a lot of positive thoughts to get on with my day.  

Some things that help me are:

Knowing that I am loved.  That I have loved ones thinking about me daily.  Beautiful people in my life that care for me and my little family.  This view didn't come into clear view until I had Vera, really.  Now I appreciate everything just a little more.  I am sort of a sentimental person anyhow, but even more-so now.  I think that as you become older, the little and petty things don't quite matter as much anymore and you start to see the big picture.  We start to lose sight of the things that didn't matter and focus more on our dreams and goals.  At least, that's how I feel most days.  

Those days that you just can't seem to get out of bed really take an extra effort, some extra thought, and maybe even a little creativity!  This morning, my motivation was just knowing that it's Friday.  Most people are happy on Fridays (if you get to have the weekend off).... and I am definitely one of those.  Our weekends are usually fairly busy, but a good busy.  We start our Saturday with Vera's gymnastics and it's always a joy to watch her run around with her little friends and spend some much needed time with her daddy.  I love watching the little smile on her face as she walks across the balance beam while holding onto daddy's hand.... or pulling herself up on the bar all by herself.  I love that her teachers know her by name even though she's one in a really big bunch of kiddos. After that, we generally have errands to run and some house  chores to do... but generally, we just spend the weekend hanging out together, talking, watching movies, playing outside, and attempting to relax.  Brett generally works one of the weekend days so we sometimes go with him and just hang out in Ann Arbor.

Those are the things I think about to get myself out of bed on the "icky" mornings.  Just the simple little things that happen during the day that make me laugh or smile. However, I don't want to live my life just looking forward to the weekends.  I want to be able to get out of bed in the morning and just be happy that I am alive, healthy, and getting another chance to be me.  I want to tell everyone I love them, every day. I want to make Brett and Vera feel special and show them how much they matter to me, each and every day. That's what should motivate me to get out of bed in the morning.  Not necessarily the things that can be done for me, but the things I can do for others.

Another thing that helps is my job.  Knowing that my attitude affects each little life I are for each day, helps motivate me a little more.  I often find that my own attitude reflects through them.  Sometimes just turning on funny children music brightens my mood.  So find what it is that helps YOU, and do it.  Enjoy the day! Each day is a fresh start.  Tell someone you love them... or even better, SHOW them.

What helps YOU get out of bed in the morning on those "icky" days?  


  1. Knowing that I have a house to keep clean so that my husband doesn't think that I am a horrible wife. Even though I usually do enjoy a lazy Saturday or Sunday. I try to keep the house in order because I know how hard he works and how much he appreciates coming home to a clean house and dinner on the stove. Even though, I would LOVE to also come home to a clean house but that just isn't in the cards. So that's what keeps me going. :)

  2. It's awesome that you find the motivational things that keep you going. I think that is what is most important!
