As I have stated before, Brett and I have made the choice to live a Vegan lifestyle. However, as of yet, we have not included Vera in everything that is involved with it. She still eats her dairy products and things containing dairy and such. We want to be sure this is the right choice to make with her being so young. I have done a lot of research and so far, I am pretty convinced it is the correct choice for her as well. However, I don't feel comfortable taking that leap with her until her 2 year dr. appointment in April. Until then, we are flexible with the things she eats and she continues to take her vitamins (just to clear that all up).
So far in our journey, we really haven't noticed any setbacks. Brett has also lost 8 lbs in less than two weeks just from this switch. I am working hard at maintaining my weight because I am not looking to lose any of it. So far, it's working for both of us! It is tempting at times to reach into our fridge and grab those non Vegan items in there from before our switch but we have remained strong. I have had two non-Vegan items since we began but wasn't aware until it was too late. Oh, I take that back... three items. The first was a salad I had in a restaurant on a date with my daughter. It had cheese on it and I didn't realize it until it was almost all gone. The second was a milk chocolate m&m. And the third happened today, with a graham cracker. I guess it had honey in it. I do feel bad at first when things like that happen but I don't dwell on it for long. Brett and I have discussed what we'll do when we visit others and how we will eat... my theory is that we will just stick to the diet as best as we can but will not make our hosts feel bad. My intention is not to make others feel bad for the choices WE have made. We wont punish ourselves for enjoying a meal others worked so hard to create. We will start small and just monitor the things we bring into our own home.
Some of our Vegan favorites so far are as follows:
Chorizo (tofu) sausage
kale (we sautee it with other vegetables as well as put it in our morning smoothies)
smoothies with soy milk
vanilla almond milk (I only get a carton every few weeks just to enjoy in my smoothies on occasion. The rest of the time, it's soy milk that we buy in bulk at Costco)
dark chocolate (we read the label and make sure it's 100% Vegan)
sushi (we never did eat the sushi with the meat in it so this was a great surprise)
nuts (almonds, peanuts, etc.)
beans (we buy black beans dry and in bulk so we can just soak and cook them ourselves)
and rice.
I thought this shift would be a lot harder than it is but we have found it surprisingly easy. Perhaps that's because we were naturally making this shift since Vera was born anyhow?
A site that we have fond useful is called "" I haven't looked into it too much yet because I have been gathering ideas from pinterest and books but Brett loves the site.
In the near future, I would love to start posting some recipes. I know I keep saying this but haven't done so yet. The problem is a lot of it, we don't have a recipe for. We just get an idea from another recipe, then throw in our own things. I WILL do this though, that's a promise! I have also been trying to take photos of our meals so that I can go back later and remember that I need to include the recipe on them but I often just start eating (with a toddler in the home, one learns to eat quickly and efficiently) then forget to take the photo. oops!
I may also just make one post for all photos and recipes, and progressively add onto it. You'll only find out if you stay tuned, though!
Happy Thursday, all! And thanks for the feedback! I love hearing what is working for others and what isn't. What people like reading about, etc. You all are FABULOUS!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Differing Opinions
Today, I am reflecting specifically on the differences in the human race. The differences between our jobs, our lives, our personalities, our opinions, our dreams, our goals, etc. It's so perplexing to me. All of us know how we are different from one another, yet we don't embrace it. I'm not sure why our culture or society is so set to think we ALL have to have the same ideas, agree on everything, look and act the same.... it's baffling to me. I feel that if we all just embraced the differences in each other, the world would be a happier place. For example... I know the differences between my husband and me. He is so calm, gentle, hard to anger, easy to please, but has no concept of himself or his time. What I mean by that, is he looks at himself as somewhat invincible. He also does not like to make plans ahead of time. He's a simple guy who is quite alright with making last minute plans and taking one day at a time. I, however, am a planner. I love to map out our future even though I'm certain things will change. I want to know what we're doing ahead of time and be able to plan for it. But, the downside is it often stresses me out when my goal is just the opposite. Instead of tearing him down, I embrace his differences and look to see how they compliment my own strengths. He tends to mellow me out a bit when I get worked up because of his "differences." But not just Brett, my friends and family have the same effect on me. You just have to look at the differences and learn how to appreciate them. This life would be SO incredibly boring if we all acted/thought/felt the same about everything.
Embrace it! Live with a positive attitude. (something I need to work on, myself).
Embrace it! Live with a positive attitude. (something I need to work on, myself).
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Here is a photo collage....
(the 9 mo. pregnancy picture was taken 2 days before she was born)
Friday, February 22, 2013
Count It!
Just saw this and had to post about it.....
"If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that money can't buy."
When I read this quote, so many things came to my mind. Thoughts about my bad days, good days, and the "blah" days. Some days I find myself being bitter or complaining about the little things. I think it's human nature to complain, really. However, without the bad or "blah" days, we wouldn't be able to really appreciate the good things. I know this for sure. We tend to adapt and become used to the way life is going when it's great and we don't take the chance to stop and reflect on WHY it's so great. For instance, Vera was a very "difficult" infant. She was very rarely content and needed constant attention. Even after holding her, changing her, feeding her, and trying to comfort her, she still cried. In those tough infant days, I often wondered WHY every day had to be so difficult. Even now, at almost two, she is a very emotional toddler. She is moody and ornery. However, it seems that the days I need it the most, she finds a way to remind me that things aren't so bad. Even before I became pregnant, I realized that there was so much in life to be thankful for. Money seems to be an issue for many of the individuals I know. We've been there. We've all had those days where we just want to pull out our hair.
There's not a 100% fool-proof way to feel better, but that quote reminded me, once again, to focus on the positive.
What sort of things are you thankful for that money can't buy?
I will start.
I am thankful for the never ending love my husband has for me. He is always willing to help without a second thought. He NEVER complains about helping around the house or helping with his child. He is such a role model not only to Vera, but to me, and really, anyone else he comes in contact with. I count waking up this morning as a blessing.... a gift that money can't buy. A new opportunity and a new day. Precious moments with my daughter can not be purchased.... The love I feel from friends and family can not be bought. But mostly, the endless opportunities life has provided. Regardless of your situation, you are alive. You are breathing, if you are reading this. Those things can't be bought. If you want to be technical, I'm sure you could re word what I just said and make it about money in some form or another, but I choose not to. Today, I want to focus on the positive because it hasn't been the greatest day so far.
Count your blessings, even when nothing seems to be going right.
"If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that money can't buy."
When I read this quote, so many things came to my mind. Thoughts about my bad days, good days, and the "blah" days. Some days I find myself being bitter or complaining about the little things. I think it's human nature to complain, really. However, without the bad or "blah" days, we wouldn't be able to really appreciate the good things. I know this for sure. We tend to adapt and become used to the way life is going when it's great and we don't take the chance to stop and reflect on WHY it's so great. For instance, Vera was a very "difficult" infant. She was very rarely content and needed constant attention. Even after holding her, changing her, feeding her, and trying to comfort her, she still cried. In those tough infant days, I often wondered WHY every day had to be so difficult. Even now, at almost two, she is a very emotional toddler. She is moody and ornery. However, it seems that the days I need it the most, she finds a way to remind me that things aren't so bad. Even before I became pregnant, I realized that there was so much in life to be thankful for. Money seems to be an issue for many of the individuals I know. We've been there. We've all had those days where we just want to pull out our hair.
There's not a 100% fool-proof way to feel better, but that quote reminded me, once again, to focus on the positive.
What sort of things are you thankful for that money can't buy?
I will start.
I am thankful for the never ending love my husband has for me. He is always willing to help without a second thought. He NEVER complains about helping around the house or helping with his child. He is such a role model not only to Vera, but to me, and really, anyone else he comes in contact with. I count waking up this morning as a blessing.... a gift that money can't buy. A new opportunity and a new day. Precious moments with my daughter can not be purchased.... The love I feel from friends and family can not be bought. But mostly, the endless opportunities life has provided. Regardless of your situation, you are alive. You are breathing, if you are reading this. Those things can't be bought. If you want to be technical, I'm sure you could re word what I just said and make it about money in some form or another, but I choose not to. Today, I want to focus on the positive because it hasn't been the greatest day so far.
Count your blessings, even when nothing seems to be going right.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Water Challenge!
I have really been struggling with getting enough fluids in on any given day, lately. So, I thought maybe I would do some research, see how much I should be drinking. Hopefully the link below works.... but check it out, if you wish! I have a water bottle that has ounces labeled on it so I know how much I'm drinking. It seems to help!
Human Water Requirement Calculator
Human Water Requirement Calculator
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Do it for the Animals....
Brett and I watched another documentary the other night called "Forks Over Knives." It was so amazing, truthful, and informative. We are still talking about it days later! It is one of our most inspiring videos so far.
The film discusses that not only is a Vegan diet beneficial for the environment and for our animals.... it is SO beneficial to our health, as well. The movie goes through the benefits and what non-Vegan products are doing to our bodies. Even "healthy" things such as milk, yogurt, meat, etc. are harming our bodies. The movie also focuses on a sort of clean diet where you eliminate processed foods of any kind. We are adapting to the Vegan diet very well so far and will be working our way onto eliminating processed foods of any kind, as well.
An Example of one of our lunches. Salad with tofu, orange, celery, and a sweet potato. In the little containers is a tiny bit of salad dressing and the other contains peanut butter.
Just an update on the Vegan diet and how it is going for us....
Each morning we typically make ourselves a kale and fruit smoothie with soymilk. Then I usually go for some oatmeal or cereal (brands that are Vegan friendly)... For lunch, we have been having salads (sometimes including tofu, beans, etc.) and leftovers from dinner the night before. We also cram in there some celery and peanut butter for extra protein. Last night, I made home made vegetable vegan stew with home made broth made from absolute scratch (Brett made a huge stock pot of the broth over the weekend and we froze them in sections). I added peas, carrots, rice, black beans, celery, and I'm drawing a blank but I thought there was one more thing? Then I cut up a pomegranate and an orange for each of us. That was our dinner. Vera typically gets a banana and vegan friendly cereal for breakfast. Until our stash is gone, she gets yogurt and such throughout the day as well. We plan on speaking with her pediatrician before going off everything completely.
Monday Night, we had lettuce wraps with black beans, rice, and hummus. On the side we had home made granola (with almonds and cranberries), and kiwi.
Tonight, I will be making stuffed green peppers which will include: green peppers, tomatoes, rice, beans, and any other veggies in the fridge that needs to be eaten soon. For the rest of the week, I'd love to try my hands at some cauliflower garlic crust "bread" with spaghetti sauce on top and maybe some Vegan pepperjack cheese... baked potato chili bowl, and some zucchini lasagna! Super excited about all of these.
I forgot to add that some of the things we have been snacking on are raw vegetables with home made hummus, and chips with home made guacamole. DELICIOUS!
AND... for the most exciting piece of news so far with our Vegan journey,
Brett is now under the 200lb mark! He has been working on it for two years now and has lost over 30 lbs. Since we started the Vegan diet just a few days ago...he has lost 3-4 lbs already! Amazing? I think so. He hasn't been working out this week either so the diet is definitely the cause.
The film discusses that not only is a Vegan diet beneficial for the environment and for our animals.... it is SO beneficial to our health, as well. The movie goes through the benefits and what non-Vegan products are doing to our bodies. Even "healthy" things such as milk, yogurt, meat, etc. are harming our bodies. The movie also focuses on a sort of clean diet where you eliminate processed foods of any kind. We are adapting to the Vegan diet very well so far and will be working our way onto eliminating processed foods of any kind, as well.
An Example of one of our lunches. Salad with tofu, orange, celery, and a sweet potato. In the little containers is a tiny bit of salad dressing and the other contains peanut butter.
Just an update on the Vegan diet and how it is going for us....

Monday Night, we had lettuce wraps with black beans, rice, and hummus. On the side we had home made granola (with almonds and cranberries), and kiwi.
Tonight, I will be making stuffed green peppers which will include: green peppers, tomatoes, rice, beans, and any other veggies in the fridge that needs to be eaten soon. For the rest of the week, I'd love to try my hands at some cauliflower garlic crust "bread" with spaghetti sauce on top and maybe some Vegan pepperjack cheese... baked potato chili bowl, and some zucchini lasagna! Super excited about all of these.
I forgot to add that some of the things we have been snacking on are raw vegetables with home made hummus, and chips with home made guacamole. DELICIOUS!
AND... for the most exciting piece of news so far with our Vegan journey,
Brett is now under the 200lb mark! He has been working on it for two years now and has lost over 30 lbs. Since we started the Vegan diet just a few days ago...he has lost 3-4 lbs already! Amazing? I think so. He hasn't been working out this week either so the diet is definitely the cause.
Brett and I started the year off with a new budget. We have been REALLY bad about following our own budgets before so we decided to give it another try with the new year. So far, it's been great! It's hard to not spend over the alloted amount but we have already taken big steps to becoming debt free, which was our goal! Now if we could only start saving for retirement.... that is our next goal.
This is how it worked for us. We took the estimated average of our income, separately, and wrote it down on a dry erase board in our room. Since my income fluctuates a little, we took the least average amount I would make in a month so that our income was always more then that.
Once we figured out our estimated income, we wrote down our monthly bills and the amounts of each. These things included things like:
Car payment
house payment
credit cards (which we only have ONE left. yay!)
Student Loans
Savings account (we try to put around $500 in each month for taxes and emergency expenses).
Those bills are almost always the same.. so we put them in their own category. Then we wrote down a budget for the bills that fluctuate:
We don't necessarily budget for things like car and homeowner's insurance because they aren't frequent. However, we DO keep the extra money in our bank account from each month for those reasons.
groceries + misc. (cleaners, which I will begin making my own... and household items)
Gas (we ALWAYS over budget for this so we end up having more than we planned. YAY Hybrid!)
Eating out
And last but not least, spending money for each of us. We allow ourselves $50 each per month. We must NOT go over that amount. We can spend that money on whatever we want or we can save it for the next month and add onto it.
The final step is the fact that we keep a small notebook in the car and write down every single purchase. We write down the date, the amount, and where we spent the money. This also includes anything we buy online. What it doesn't include, are the monthly bills such as house payment, car payment, and such. We have an online log of that through our bank. Because we keep track of it, we can see where ALL of our money is going and it keeps us on track with our budget. It was a little ridiculous at first but now that we're a month and a half into the process, it's just natural to write it all down.
Every few weeks, we go through our expense log and examine it to make sure we are still on track. We then write the remaining amount on our dry erase board in our room so we know where we are. So far, we have not gone over and we are almost through our second month! The $50 we have each month is the most difficult with birthdays, weddings, etc. coming up but we are finding creative ways to deal with it such as using our cash back rewards from our credit card to purchase the lumber we need for a play house we will be building for Vera for her birthday. Since Valentine's Day was a few weeks ago, I chose the weekend before to babysit for some extra money to splurge for Valentine's Day.
These are just some ideas. If you would like some specifics as to how much we budget for each category, I'd be glad to share it. I just don't have the dry erase board at the moment to refer to.
Happy budgeting!
This is how it worked for us. We took the estimated average of our income, separately, and wrote it down on a dry erase board in our room. Since my income fluctuates a little, we took the least average amount I would make in a month so that our income was always more then that.
Once we figured out our estimated income, we wrote down our monthly bills and the amounts of each. These things included things like:
Car payment
house payment
credit cards (which we only have ONE left. yay!)
Student Loans
Savings account (we try to put around $500 in each month for taxes and emergency expenses).
Those bills are almost always the same.. so we put them in their own category. Then we wrote down a budget for the bills that fluctuate:
We don't necessarily budget for things like car and homeowner's insurance because they aren't frequent. However, we DO keep the extra money in our bank account from each month for those reasons.
groceries + misc. (cleaners, which I will begin making my own... and household items)
Gas (we ALWAYS over budget for this so we end up having more than we planned. YAY Hybrid!)
Eating out
And last but not least, spending money for each of us. We allow ourselves $50 each per month. We must NOT go over that amount. We can spend that money on whatever we want or we can save it for the next month and add onto it.
The final step is the fact that we keep a small notebook in the car and write down every single purchase. We write down the date, the amount, and where we spent the money. This also includes anything we buy online. What it doesn't include, are the monthly bills such as house payment, car payment, and such. We have an online log of that through our bank. Because we keep track of it, we can see where ALL of our money is going and it keeps us on track with our budget. It was a little ridiculous at first but now that we're a month and a half into the process, it's just natural to write it all down.
Every few weeks, we go through our expense log and examine it to make sure we are still on track. We then write the remaining amount on our dry erase board in our room so we know where we are. So far, we have not gone over and we are almost through our second month! The $50 we have each month is the most difficult with birthdays, weddings, etc. coming up but we are finding creative ways to deal with it such as using our cash back rewards from our credit card to purchase the lumber we need for a play house we will be building for Vera for her birthday. Since Valentine's Day was a few weeks ago, I chose the weekend before to babysit for some extra money to splurge for Valentine's Day.
These are just some ideas. If you would like some specifics as to how much we budget for each category, I'd be glad to share it. I just don't have the dry erase board at the moment to refer to.
Happy budgeting!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Maybe it's because Brett packed my lunch for me and helped clean up. Whenever the house is clean in the morning, I can think a lot more clearly. I was thinking about how different I am than some other women and how thankful I am that Brett loves that about me. I know that with my strong opinions, I can be quite the challenge. I am thankful that he accepts and embraces that challenge.
I have so many passions that I feel strongly about. Being environmentally friendly. Focusing on the health and development of children. Breast feeding. Car seat safety. Feeding babies, and children in general. Eating healthy and working out. Being a great wife. All these things are SO important to me. Spending money is not. I LOVE finding great deals. I LOVE being creative and trying to find cheaper alternatives. I'm not the mani/pedi/massage/excessive tanning kinda girl. I get my hair cut around once a year, if that. I don't mind cutting it all off. I enjoy being different. It grows back. I spend $15 on jeans, tops. I don't cry during girly movies. I don't like country music. I prefer rap. I love coloring, at age 24 (almost 25). I love peas, brussels sprouts, and zucchini. I love making my own things and doing things myself. Most of our wedding items were made by myself. I don't mind not being fancy. Our wedding was nothing close to fancy and it represented us. I loved that. I love making things! I love doing home projects with my husband when we have NEVER done these things before. With no help. I love the joint effort and even the frustrations it brings. I love being independent and not needing anyone else. I love that my husband and I can do ALL things on our own. Financially, emotionally, and physically. I love sharing a birthday with my daughter. The most amazing birthday gift my husband could ever give me. I love rearranging and redecorating and trying to do it for an incredibly low price tag. I love thrift stores and garage sales.
I'm sure there are many others who love these things as well, but I love being ME. I love that most people can talk to me about anything and share their secrets and concerns. I love being trustworthy. I love that most people find me positive and inspiring. There's not much greater on this earth to me, then that.
My point is, go against the grain. Do some research. Do what makes you happy. Seek out those people in your life that make you feel good about yourself. Life is so short and time is too precious to be spent unhappy. Watch a documentary or two. Figure out what inspires you! Do something crafty, even if you're not good at it. Try a new hobby! I am going to be working on that one myself. Go to the library and just relax! Work out!
Be "different."
I have so many passions that I feel strongly about. Being environmentally friendly. Focusing on the health and development of children. Breast feeding. Car seat safety. Feeding babies, and children in general. Eating healthy and working out. Being a great wife. All these things are SO important to me. Spending money is not. I LOVE finding great deals. I LOVE being creative and trying to find cheaper alternatives. I'm not the mani/pedi/massage/excessive tanning kinda girl. I get my hair cut around once a year, if that. I don't mind cutting it all off. I enjoy being different. It grows back. I spend $15 on jeans, tops. I don't cry during girly movies. I don't like country music. I prefer rap. I love coloring, at age 24 (almost 25). I love peas, brussels sprouts, and zucchini. I love making my own things and doing things myself. Most of our wedding items were made by myself. I don't mind not being fancy. Our wedding was nothing close to fancy and it represented us. I loved that. I love making things! I love doing home projects with my husband when we have NEVER done these things before. With no help. I love the joint effort and even the frustrations it brings. I love being independent and not needing anyone else. I love that my husband and I can do ALL things on our own. Financially, emotionally, and physically. I love sharing a birthday with my daughter. The most amazing birthday gift my husband could ever give me. I love rearranging and redecorating and trying to do it for an incredibly low price tag. I love thrift stores and garage sales.
I'm sure there are many others who love these things as well, but I love being ME. I love that most people can talk to me about anything and share their secrets and concerns. I love being trustworthy. I love that most people find me positive and inspiring. There's not much greater on this earth to me, then that.
My point is, go against the grain. Do some research. Do what makes you happy. Seek out those people in your life that make you feel good about yourself. Life is so short and time is too precious to be spent unhappy. Watch a documentary or two. Figure out what inspires you! Do something crafty, even if you're not good at it. Try a new hobby! I am going to be working on that one myself. Go to the library and just relax! Work out!
Be "different."
Monday, February 18, 2013
Our Vegan Journey
About two years ago, a little after Vera was born, Brett and I decided to make a life change to benefit our health. We decided that we would do a mostly vegetarian diet. We cut out all beef products and chose only organic chicken, eggs, and fish as our "meat" protein. We ate chicken and fish once each a week or so. We began eliminating any sort of pre-packaged meals including anything frozen. Said goodbye to most boxed food as well. About a year after that, Brett figured out that he was intolerant to gluten. This meant that we said goodbye to processed pasta products, and most bread. Vera and I still eat bread occasionally but Brett does not. This also means that we no longer put breading on anything we eat. Farewell to pizza, as well. We do occasionally buy Gluten free mix that we can make our own pizza crust out of but we have only done that a handful of times due to how costly it can be. So what did we eat?? A LOT of beans, rice, veggies, and fruit. We also got some protein from nuts, peanut and hazlenut butter, and flaxseed that I have previously posted about. It was tough at first but it gets easier as time passes.
Just this past weekend, we watched another documentary after Vera went to bed. We were reminded once again, how animals are sometimes treated throughout the process in order to create a large portion of our food. This was the last straw for us and the motivation to participate in a Vegan lifestyle. Now, we don't really want to throw out all of our other food because that would be incredibly wasteful. However, we are looking into other options such as donating and giving things away. Vera is still allowed yogurt and cheese now and then because we want to speak with her pediatrician before we make this change. We, however, have been eating somewhat like this already. We made the switch to soymilk/almond milk a few weeks ago and have not missed cow's milk a single time. Vera takes daily vitamins to assure that she gets what she needs. Brett and I both have daily vitamins and purchased calcium pills recently, just in case. We are researching some other forms of protein as well.
The first day was tough because we had just purchased a large box of MILK chocolate.... and attempted to eat the last of our turkey hot dogs but couldn't take more than a few bites without feeling horrible. Cricket (our dog) enjoyed a nice, preservative free meal that night. We went grocery shopping and purchased 0 items that were pre packaged.... ALL fruits, vegetables, and a bakery run for mine and Vera's bread needs. Yesterday, we made a trip to Trader Joe's and bought Vegan friendly burgers, vegan chorizo sausage, and browsed the natural "soap" isle.... which we will be including in our new Vegan lifestyle once we are out of our others. I don't feel that throwing everything away is very nature-friendly. I will also begin making my own laundry soap, dish soap, fabric softener, and things like that once ours are out. I am SUPER excited for this new change! I am so glad my husband is so willing to give all these things up with me. I never would have imagined we'd get to this stage in our lives. It's something I have ALWAYS wanted to do, but when we first moved in together, he was a meat lover for sure. I am thankful that we are making our way to be more natural, earth friendly, healthy, and role models for our beautiful daughter!
I will begin sharing my journey here =] Follow along, if you'd like!
Just this past weekend, we watched another documentary after Vera went to bed. We were reminded once again, how animals are sometimes treated throughout the process in order to create a large portion of our food. This was the last straw for us and the motivation to participate in a Vegan lifestyle. Now, we don't really want to throw out all of our other food because that would be incredibly wasteful. However, we are looking into other options such as donating and giving things away. Vera is still allowed yogurt and cheese now and then because we want to speak with her pediatrician before we make this change. We, however, have been eating somewhat like this already. We made the switch to soymilk/almond milk a few weeks ago and have not missed cow's milk a single time. Vera takes daily vitamins to assure that she gets what she needs. Brett and I both have daily vitamins and purchased calcium pills recently, just in case. We are researching some other forms of protein as well.
The first day was tough because we had just purchased a large box of MILK chocolate.... and attempted to eat the last of our turkey hot dogs but couldn't take more than a few bites without feeling horrible. Cricket (our dog) enjoyed a nice, preservative free meal that night. We went grocery shopping and purchased 0 items that were pre packaged.... ALL fruits, vegetables, and a bakery run for mine and Vera's bread needs. Yesterday, we made a trip to Trader Joe's and bought Vegan friendly burgers, vegan chorizo sausage, and browsed the natural "soap" isle.... which we will be including in our new Vegan lifestyle once we are out of our others. I don't feel that throwing everything away is very nature-friendly. I will also begin making my own laundry soap, dish soap, fabric softener, and things like that once ours are out. I am SUPER excited for this new change! I am so glad my husband is so willing to give all these things up with me. I never would have imagined we'd get to this stage in our lives. It's something I have ALWAYS wanted to do, but when we first moved in together, he was a meat lover for sure. I am thankful that we are making our way to be more natural, earth friendly, healthy, and role models for our beautiful daughter!
I will begin sharing my journey here =] Follow along, if you'd like!
Flax Seed

Great Deals!
I just wanted to share some of the deals we got last week. If you know me, you know that I do shop a lot but I'm pretty cheap. I never pay more than about $15 for jeans, $20 for shoes/boots, $10 for shirts.... things like that.
Please forgive the quality of the photos... I took them with my phone since that's the fastest way.
I went to Plato's Closet in search of boots for Brett. They had no boots.... but they DID have an entire rack full of clothes tagged with red dots. These red dots meant that these items were.... $1!!! Those racks seem to have some strange items, but if you look closely, you might find some great steals!
I found: plaid capris, two shirts, 2 skirts, one dress, a purse, and a pair of skinny jeans. EACH was $1. So this entire picture was $8 + tax! What a STEAL. I will show some closer views of my favorites....

The pattern on this dress is a little wild.... but it was $1 at Plato's Closet. Thought I would take my chances.

My tip is to just keep a list of specific clothing items you are looking for. My next finds are hopefully going to include some mint skinny jeans, some cardigans, and some casual dresses. I wont buy these unless they are an extremely AWESOME deal. Trust me. None of these are important enough to have right now so I can wait. I have also signed up at a few stores to get their e-mails on events. This way, I can go when I know there will be great deals. I know that Target ALWAYS has some awesome steals on shoes so I look there when I go.
What awesome deals have you found lately and where? Feel free to share!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Coming up.....
I'm a little behind lately but it is because I have so many ideas and do not know where to begin! Here is a list of what I will be blogging about this week:
Flax seed
Our vegan journey
A few neat pictures I have taken
Family budget
Monthly menus
Some great deals I have found....
That may be it for the week. Don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
A few near future blog subjects I will be working on are:
Freezer meals
Dealing with infertility and the loss of a child
And autism. This last particular subject will be me sharing a few stories of people I personally know. I anticipate elaborating on the general subject further down the road.
Thanks for reading and be sure to let me know of any feedback you may have or suggestions on future topics! I am incredibly excited for this upcoming week of blogs!
Flax seed
Our vegan journey
A few neat pictures I have taken
Family budget
Monthly menus
Some great deals I have found....
That may be it for the week. Don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
A few near future blog subjects I will be working on are:
Freezer meals
Dealing with infertility and the loss of a child
And autism. This last particular subject will be me sharing a few stories of people I personally know. I anticipate elaborating on the general subject further down the road.
Thanks for reading and be sure to let me know of any feedback you may have or suggestions on future topics! I am incredibly excited for this upcoming week of blogs!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Heart Day
I know that the day often gets a bad name and is sometimes claimed "the hallmark holiday." I can't say that I agree, but I will respect others who feel that way.
To me, today is just another day to remember and celebrate. Unlike most others, I don't feel that the day is just for partners. To me, it's about love, in general. Surely there are people you love in your life? Why not use today to take an EXTRA step for them. An EXTRA attempt to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you. Yes, these things should be done EVERY day and not just on this holiday. However, if we're going to be realistic here, how many of us are awesome about showing your love for others EVERY day? I'm certainly not perfect. I sometimes take my loved ones for granted and forget just how awesome they are.
Valentine's Day isn't about getting expensive gifts from your partner. It's about taking that EXTRA step to show others that you love and care about them. Sometimes it's not even about receiving the love. I know that those who are not in a relationship think negatively about this holiday on occasion. It doesn't HAVE to be that way. You know that awesome feeling you get from brightening someone else's day? Try that! Sometimes, it's not all about us. I remember when I was younger, my grandpa made it a point EVERY Valentine's Day to make me feel special. He always surprised me with balloons, flowers, a card, candy, a stuffed animal, etc. He knew the true meaning of the holiday. I loved it. I miss it. I miss how kind and thoughtful he was. I miss how close we were. However, I learned a lot from him. Since Brett and I began dating almost 10 years ago, I have tried to make the holiday a special one for him. Even just with tiny things like a card that says "I love you." It doesn't have to be elaborate. Just knowing that I thought of him, is enough. We have done big things like taking trips for Valentine's Day and stayed in cabins.... to tiny things such as a letter, that I asked for this year. Brett doesn't enjoy writing so I knew this would be tough for him. However, he remembered. I got my letter, and it made me cry. For those of you who know me... I am not a crier. He has also written me songs and played them on the guitar. Even though this is our 10th vday together, we still make that extra effort for each other. I think it's so important.
Some may think it's over rated... but it doesn't have to be. It is what YOU make it to be. It doesn't mean that you have to spend a ton of money... it just takes an extra second to let someone know that you love and care about them. It's as simple as that.
To all my friends and family, those people I care about SO much... Happy Valentine's Day. Today is not only special for my husband and daughter, but YOU as well. You help to make me who I am. Thank you, and happy Valentine's Day. Celebrate! Or for those of you who just despise the idea of love.... what about your health? It IS happy HEART day... so go work out ;-) Celebrate your HEALTH, instead!

thought I'd share this card once again because I LOVE it.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Little Model
Thought I'd share:
I can't wait to edit it!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
What Does Your Future Hold?
I hear this question a lot... "Where do you see yourself in 2 years... 5 years.... 10 years?"
It's quite a specific question in one way, but broad in another. I think about this question a lot for myself and my family. I am what you call, a planner. I am completely aware that life doesn't guarantee much, and plans do stray, but I don't see that as a reason to dismiss planning all together. Planning helps my mind a bit. It gives me a release from the every day stressors. It gives me a little mini vacation, some time to dream of the future. Of course, it is very important to not stress about the future and enjoy the present day... but I see no harm in having dreams and goals. I feel like planning is inspiring, exciting, and helps me make it through my tough days. I also love looking back on these words and my own thoughts and comparing where I thought I would be, to where I am.
Where do YOU see yourself in two years?
For me, it is hard to imagine but it will probably go something like this: Brett will be graduating in two years with his PhD. I am hoping we wont have too terrible a time finding him a job and selling our first home. There are several options, though... he could stay here, which is unlikely. He could do a postdoc research program somewhere else for a few years... or he can find a job straight out of graduation. The good thing, is that he believes his program will let him do research until he does find a job. Even in two years, our future is so unpredictable with the many possibilities. Some may think it's frightening, but I love it! I love change although I am usually hesitant at first. I love knowing that what I am doing right now, isn't forever. I love knowing that I have room to grow, learn, and find another passion of mine and follow it. I love knowing that I'm not stuck in this house (although I absolutely LOVE it) forever and that I am not stuck in this area for the rest of my life. However, if we choose to live here beyond his graduation, things will still differ. I love knowing that although I love planning, there isn't a written down concrete plan of our future. I love knowing that we have several possibilities.. that we may not even be in this state anymore, even though it is by far my favorite. I love that we are very good at adapting and can handle anything thrown our way. We have certainly had uncountable changes in our lives and it has helped to form who we are today, and I am happy with that.
In 5 years?
Hopefully we will have the living situation figured out and Brett has a job he loves, that is what is most important. I picture us being closer to friends and family for the longer part of the journey, but there is no guarantee. Brett's goal is to get a great job right out of school to be able to pay off our glorious student loans....(everyone's dream, right?) We may be onto our next home journey by this time but I imagine renting for a few years will be ideal until he finds a more permanent working situation. I picture myself homeschooling Vera until we figure out where we would like to stay. I really don't want her switching schools the way I did. I know how tough it can be. As for more children, I can't picture anymore in the future, at any point. However, Brett is fairly certain there will be siblings for Vera. In that case, we will listen to God and welcome another child. Honestly, that's all I can picture in 5 years right now!
in 10 years?
Hopefully we will be in a permanent place, student loans and car paid off, and living life. I'm sure it wont be easy...and we have a lot of long term goals at the moment, but in 10 years, they could all change.
Planning helps me to feel organized and to chart what is most important to me at this point in life. I feel refreshed when I'm finished with it.
Where do YOU picture yourself within these time frames? Feel free to share... or just brainstorm on your own to see what is most important to you.
It's quite a specific question in one way, but broad in another. I think about this question a lot for myself and my family. I am what you call, a planner. I am completely aware that life doesn't guarantee much, and plans do stray, but I don't see that as a reason to dismiss planning all together. Planning helps my mind a bit. It gives me a release from the every day stressors. It gives me a little mini vacation, some time to dream of the future. Of course, it is very important to not stress about the future and enjoy the present day... but I see no harm in having dreams and goals. I feel like planning is inspiring, exciting, and helps me make it through my tough days. I also love looking back on these words and my own thoughts and comparing where I thought I would be, to where I am.
Where do YOU see yourself in two years?
For me, it is hard to imagine but it will probably go something like this: Brett will be graduating in two years with his PhD. I am hoping we wont have too terrible a time finding him a job and selling our first home. There are several options, though... he could stay here, which is unlikely. He could do a postdoc research program somewhere else for a few years... or he can find a job straight out of graduation. The good thing, is that he believes his program will let him do research until he does find a job. Even in two years, our future is so unpredictable with the many possibilities. Some may think it's frightening, but I love it! I love change although I am usually hesitant at first. I love knowing that what I am doing right now, isn't forever. I love knowing that I have room to grow, learn, and find another passion of mine and follow it. I love knowing that I'm not stuck in this house (although I absolutely LOVE it) forever and that I am not stuck in this area for the rest of my life. However, if we choose to live here beyond his graduation, things will still differ. I love knowing that although I love planning, there isn't a written down concrete plan of our future. I love knowing that we have several possibilities.. that we may not even be in this state anymore, even though it is by far my favorite. I love that we are very good at adapting and can handle anything thrown our way. We have certainly had uncountable changes in our lives and it has helped to form who we are today, and I am happy with that.
In 5 years?
Hopefully we will have the living situation figured out and Brett has a job he loves, that is what is most important. I picture us being closer to friends and family for the longer part of the journey, but there is no guarantee. Brett's goal is to get a great job right out of school to be able to pay off our glorious student loans....(everyone's dream, right?) We may be onto our next home journey by this time but I imagine renting for a few years will be ideal until he finds a more permanent working situation. I picture myself homeschooling Vera until we figure out where we would like to stay. I really don't want her switching schools the way I did. I know how tough it can be. As for more children, I can't picture anymore in the future, at any point. However, Brett is fairly certain there will be siblings for Vera. In that case, we will listen to God and welcome another child. Honestly, that's all I can picture in 5 years right now!
in 10 years?
Hopefully we will be in a permanent place, student loans and car paid off, and living life. I'm sure it wont be easy...and we have a lot of long term goals at the moment, but in 10 years, they could all change.
Planning helps me to feel organized and to chart what is most important to me at this point in life. I feel refreshed when I'm finished with it.
Where do YOU picture yourself within these time frames? Feel free to share... or just brainstorm on your own to see what is most important to you.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Food for Thought
I was listening to a comedy bit this weekend...and while I did find humor in it, what I heard really got me thinking. Every day I hear and see complaints about seemingly little things. I am guilty of it as well. This comedian joked about how people complain that they have to "press" a button on the ATM for English.... when in reality..... that is the least of our worries. He stated that in America, our lives are so great that we have to make up things to be upset about. Something as little as a button on the ATM makes us upset and complain about it to others. People hear this often, but there is always someone that has things worse than you. I have caught myself complaining about my broken kitchen appliances... or leaky roof... but some people don't even have those things. I have no idea what gives me the right to openly complain about them. How hurtful it can be to others who can not live with such luxury. Sometimes, I complain about my job, and how stressful it is. In reality, it's paying our bills and making sure we all have food in our bellies and don't go hungry. I can't even imagine what that would be like. I can't imagine being hungry past a few hours. I can't imagine not having a warm house to live in. I can't imagine not being able to pay bills or live without the other "necessities" we have. Really, I should just be thankful my child is healthy and that my husband is dedicated and chooses to come home to us daily. Some people don't even have that!
My point is... we all have stressful days, stressful lives, things go wrong, we become annoyed, we're only human! However, this comedy bit this weekend reminded me of just how lucky I am. It reminded me of WHY I try to find the positive and that it would do some good in everyone's lives to seek out the positive. Some things just do not seem fair in life... although I would have to say, I don't deserve any of the wonderful things I have in life some days with my bitter attitude.
I am certainly not perfect, and I will catch myself complaining on occasion. This is one of the many ways I wish I could be more like my husband. He doesn't "sweat the small stuff." I strive to be more like that.
My point is... we all have stressful days, stressful lives, things go wrong, we become annoyed, we're only human! However, this comedy bit this weekend reminded me of just how lucky I am. It reminded me of WHY I try to find the positive and that it would do some good in everyone's lives to seek out the positive. Some things just do not seem fair in life... although I would have to say, I don't deserve any of the wonderful things I have in life some days with my bitter attitude.
I am certainly not perfect, and I will catch myself complaining on occasion. This is one of the many ways I wish I could be more like my husband. He doesn't "sweat the small stuff." I strive to be more like that.
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