Thursday, February 7, 2013

What Does Your Future Hold?

I hear this question a lot...  "Where do you see yourself in 2 years... 5 years.... 10 years?"

It's quite a specific question in one way, but broad in another.  I think about this question a lot for myself and my family.  I am what you call, a planner.  I am completely aware that life doesn't guarantee  much, and plans do stray, but I don't see that as a reason to dismiss planning all together.  Planning helps my mind a bit.  It gives me a release from the every day stressors.  It gives me a little mini vacation, some time to dream of the future.  Of course, it is very important to not stress about the future and enjoy the present day... but I see no harm in having dreams and goals.  I feel like planning is inspiring, exciting, and helps me make it through my tough days.  I also love looking back on these words and my own thoughts and comparing where I thought I would be, to where I am.

Where do YOU see yourself in two years? 

For me, it is hard to imagine but it will probably go something like this:  Brett will be graduating in two years with his PhD. I am hoping we wont have too terrible a time finding him a job and selling our first home.  There are several options, though... he could stay here, which is unlikely.  He could do a postdoc research program somewhere else for a few years... or he can find a job straight out of graduation.  The good thing, is that he believes his program will let him do research until he does find a job.  Even in two years, our future is so unpredictable with the many possibilities. Some may think it's frightening, but I love it! I love change although I am usually hesitant at first.  I love knowing that what I am doing right now, isn't forever. I love knowing that I have room to grow, learn, and find another passion of mine and follow it.  I love knowing that I'm not stuck in this house (although I absolutely LOVE it) forever and that I am not stuck in this area for the rest of my life.  However, if we choose to live here beyond his graduation, things will still differ.  I love knowing that although I love planning, there isn't a written down concrete plan of our future. I love knowing that we have several possibilities.. that we may not even be in this state anymore, even though it is by far my favorite.  I love that we are very good at adapting and can handle anything thrown our way. We have certainly had uncountable changes in our lives and it has helped to form who we are today, and I am happy with that.

In 5 years?

Hopefully we will have the living situation figured out and Brett has a job he loves, that is what is most important.  I picture us being closer to friends and family for the longer part of the journey, but there is no guarantee. Brett's goal is to get a great job right out of school to be able to pay off our glorious student loans....(everyone's dream, right?)  We may be onto our next home journey by this time but I imagine renting for a few years will be ideal until he finds a more permanent working situation. I picture myself homeschooling Vera until we figure out where we would like to stay. I really don't want her switching schools the way I did. I know how tough it can be.  As for more children, I can't picture anymore in the future, at any point. However, Brett is fairly certain there will be siblings for Vera. In that case, we will listen to God and welcome another child. Honestly, that's all I can picture in 5 years right now!

in 10 years?

Hopefully we will be in a permanent place, student loans and car paid off, and living life.  I'm sure it wont be easy...and we have a lot of long term goals at the moment, but in 10 years, they could all change.

Planning helps me to feel organized and to chart what is most important to me at this point in life.  I feel refreshed when I'm finished with it.

Where do YOU picture yourself within these time frames? Feel free to share... or just brainstorm on your own to see what is most important to you.


  1. I see us still in this area, farming. I know, hard to believe. Can't really go just anywhere though. And that is more than fine with us. I also see us with a child or two (hopefully). And all of this can happen in 5 years OR ten years. Our life is based here, where we were both born and raised, doing what we love. It's SO hard to imagine being somewhere or doing anything else. We put our heart and soul into what we do, trying to feed the world. We have our trying times where things aren't looking promising, just like everyone else does. But we do what we love and love what we do!

    1. The beauty of life. We're all different and find what works for us.

  2. ;) A certain part of this post made me laugh a little! Isn't is so funny how our minds and heart can change in such a short space of time?
