Friday, February 22, 2013

Count It!

Just saw this and had to post about it.....

"If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that money can't buy."

When I read this quote, so many things came to my mind.  Thoughts about my bad days, good days, and the "blah" days.  Some days I find myself being bitter or complaining about the little things. I think it's human nature to complain, really.  However, without the bad or "blah" days, we wouldn't be able to really appreciate the good things. I know this for sure. We tend to adapt and become used to the way life is going when it's great and we don't take the chance to stop and reflect on WHY it's so great.  For instance, Vera was a very "difficult" infant.  She was very rarely content and needed constant attention. Even after holding her, changing her, feeding her, and trying to comfort her, she still cried.  In those tough infant days, I often wondered WHY every day had to be so difficult.  Even now, at almost two, she is a very emotional toddler.  She is moody and ornery.  However, it seems that the days I need it the most, she finds a way to remind me that things aren't so bad. Even before I became pregnant, I realized that there was so much in life to be thankful for.  Money seems to be an issue for many of the individuals I know.  We've been there.  We've all had those days where we just want to pull out our hair.

There's not a 100% fool-proof way to feel better, but that quote reminded me, once again, to focus on the positive. 

What sort of things are you thankful for that money can't buy? 

I will start.

I am thankful for the never ending love my husband has for me. He is always willing to help without a second thought. He NEVER complains about helping around the house or helping with his child.  He is such a role model not only to Vera, but to me, and really, anyone else he comes in contact with. I count waking up this morning as a blessing.... a gift that money can't buy. A new opportunity and a new day.  Precious moments with my daughter can not be purchased.... The love I feel from friends and family can not be bought.  But mostly, the endless opportunities life has provided. Regardless of your situation, you are alive. You are breathing, if you are reading this. Those things can't be bought.  If you want to be technical, I'm sure you could re word what I just said and make it about money in some form or another, but I choose not to. Today, I want to focus on the positive because it hasn't been the greatest day so far.  

Count your blessings, even when nothing seems to be going right.

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