I know that the day often gets a bad name and is sometimes claimed "the hallmark holiday." I can't say that I agree, but I will respect others who feel that way.
To me, today is just another day to remember and celebrate. Unlike most others, I don't feel that the day is just for partners. To me, it's about love, in general. Surely there are people you love in your life? Why not use today to take an EXTRA step for them. An EXTRA attempt to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you. Yes, these things should be done EVERY day and not just on this holiday. However, if we're going to be realistic here, how many of us are awesome about showing your love for others EVERY day? I'm certainly not perfect. I sometimes take my loved ones for granted and forget just how awesome they are.
Valentine's Day isn't about getting expensive gifts from your partner. It's about taking that EXTRA step to show others that you love and care about them. Sometimes it's not even about receiving the love. I know that those who are not in a relationship think negatively about this holiday on occasion. It doesn't HAVE to be that way. You know that awesome feeling you get from brightening someone else's day? Try that! Sometimes, it's not all about us. I remember when I was younger, my grandpa made it a point EVERY Valentine's Day to make me feel special. He always surprised me with balloons, flowers, a card, candy, a stuffed animal, etc. He knew the true meaning of the holiday. I loved it. I miss it. I miss how kind and thoughtful he was. I miss how close we were. However, I learned a lot from him. Since Brett and I began dating almost 10 years ago, I have tried to make the holiday a special one for him. Even just with tiny things like a card that says "I love you." It doesn't have to be elaborate. Just knowing that I thought of him, is enough. We have done big things like taking trips for Valentine's Day and stayed in cabins.... to tiny things such as a letter, that I asked for this year. Brett doesn't enjoy writing so I knew this would be tough for him. However, he remembered. I got my letter, and it made me cry. For those of you who know me... I am not a crier. He has also written me songs and played them on the guitar. Even though this is our 10th vday together, we still make that extra effort for each other. I think it's so important.
Some may think it's over rated... but it doesn't have to be. It is what YOU make it to be. It doesn't mean that you have to spend a ton of money... it just takes an extra second to let someone know that you love and care about them. It's as simple as that.
To all my friends and family, those people I care about SO much... Happy Valentine's Day. Today is not only special for my husband and daughter, but YOU as well. You help to make me who I am. Thank you, and happy Valentine's Day. Celebrate! Or for those of you who just despise the idea of love.... what about your health? It IS happy HEART day... so go work out ;-) Celebrate your HEALTH, instead!

thought I'd share this card once again because I LOVE it.
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