Flax Seed
As of November of last year (yes, I remember the month!), we started adding Flax seed into our diet and have not regretted it. I read somewhere that it was really great for you so we did some research. We went to Costco and found a HUGE bag for a great price, so we tried it out. We put it in our morning smoothies, in our cereal, in anything we bake... It's so versatile! The best part is, it can replace eggs in your cooking! I tried it last night by putting it in the cookies we made since we are on a new Vegan diet and they turned out well! Definitely a new staple in our diet, now. I have heard that chia seeds are also really good for you but they are a bit more costly. We are only on our second bag of flaxseed now... it lasts FOREVER! The nutritional benefits are so awesome and it's so easy to use.

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