I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Maybe it's because Brett packed my lunch for me and helped clean up. Whenever the house is clean in the morning, I can think a lot more clearly. I was thinking about how different I am than some other women and how thankful I am that Brett loves that about me. I know that with my strong opinions, I can be quite the challenge. I am thankful that he accepts and embraces that challenge.
I have so many passions that I feel strongly about. Being environmentally friendly. Focusing on the health and development of children. Breast feeding. Car seat safety. Feeding babies, and children in general. Eating healthy and working out. Being a great wife. All these things are SO important to me. Spending money is not. I LOVE finding great deals. I LOVE being creative and trying to find cheaper alternatives. I'm not the mani/pedi/massage/excessive tanning kinda girl. I get my hair cut around once a year, if that. I don't mind cutting it all off. I enjoy being different. It grows back. I spend $15 on jeans, tops. I don't cry during girly movies. I don't like country music. I prefer rap. I love coloring, at age 24 (almost 25). I love peas, brussels sprouts, and zucchini. I love making my own things and doing things myself. Most of our wedding items were made by myself. I don't mind not being fancy. Our wedding was nothing close to fancy and it represented us. I loved that. I love making things! I love doing home projects with my husband when we have NEVER done these things before. With no help. I love the joint effort and even the frustrations it brings. I love being independent and not needing anyone else. I love that my husband and I can do ALL things on our own. Financially, emotionally, and physically. I love sharing a birthday with my daughter. The most amazing birthday gift my husband could ever give me. I love rearranging and redecorating and trying to do it for an incredibly low price tag. I love thrift stores and garage sales.
I'm sure there are many others who love these things as well, but I love being ME. I love that most people can talk to me about anything and share their secrets and concerns. I love being trustworthy. I love that most people find me positive and inspiring. There's not much greater on this earth to me, then that.
My point is, go against the grain. Do some research. Do what makes you happy. Seek out those people in your life that make you feel good about yourself. Life is so short and time is too precious to be spent unhappy. Watch a documentary or two. Figure out what inspires you! Do something crafty, even if you're not good at it. Try a new hobby! I am going to be working on that one myself. Go to the library and just relax! Work out!
Be "different."
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